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  • It really amuses me how disconnected some people seem to be from the actual game. Also how biased some people are. So funny to read some of these comments. There's a couple of OP things in this game now. DS, Adrenaline(Only With SWF), BOrrowed Time, do however enjoy the change to BT since it punishes tunnel/camp even more…
  • THIS PLEASE. Why isn't this beeing adressed anywhere by people that matter in the company. You're literally pushing it under the rug. Please fix this. there's no motivation to play the game as survivor atm. Which obviously causes long queues.....
  • How this event is biased !? Oh i'll tell you how: So okay survivors has one extra objective that's fine i guess. The killer has more time to kill them. Which results in more hooks and easier game for the killer. The killer can keep farming bloodpoints and the hooks after he has filled up his vial. He gets 5,5k per Event…
  • They just need to make survivors actually have incentive to continue playing the event. Which is not the case at all now. Hence everyone that plays survivor is now plating killer to farm bps and get their vials. Poor, poor execution. 
  • First question: "Flex emote for killers and survivors?" Second question: I assumed alot of people would ask this question but in case noone did i wanted to ask it. But if noone asked it take this as my only question: "Any plans to fix this event? Seems like the event is very closeminded and killer sided?" This is a real…
  • Bump if that is even a thing on this forum this needs to get out there. Notice us!! 
  • The real issue here is the amount of survivors not playing the game after they have capped. I'm just not playing survivor now. I'd rather sit and wait 10-20min for a killer queue to pop so that i can maybe get a vial for killer. This is all down to the mere fact that you cannot keep farming bloodpoints with the offering.…
  • The difference between the other events is that you could keep doing it tho' it didn't matter you could still get the Bps from the generators. But now we're locked after we've maxed it out which makes it next to no reason to put in offerings to "help" others. Which was the case with the other ones since you still got some…
  • Dear Draco16 and future questions considering this. I do believe it is quite generous in the first place to open you up to get 6 different cosmetics, as in the past it's only been 2 for certain killer and certain survivor. Now you do have the opportunity to decide which one you would like to use. You might get some money…
  • Hello BHVR. I would like to show my concerns toward all these juice junkies that now appear in my games as survivor. I Do not like how the game has evolved within the last 24 hrs. It has now evolved into let's get the juice, then suicide. There is no other objectives right now that people care about. This should be thought…