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  • To be fair if they released a new killer who had no anti-loop, they'd probably be bottom tier. The current game just isn't really made with 'm1' killers in mind anymore.
  • That's blatently false. Slugging the 3rd survivor so you can secure a 4k doesn't take nearly as much time as leaving the game, queuing up again, getting put into a lobby, getting into the game, playing a whole new game out where you may not even get a 3k let alone a 4k. Of course the killer is just going to slug to get the…
  • Yeah but there are archives and achievements that -require- a 4k, like all the killer adepts. Why would you leave it up to chance instead of slugging?
  • I mean how else can a killer play around hatch then slugging?
  • How are they throwing a temper tantrum? If the killer believes at that time that slugging is the best chance they have to win, that doesn't mean they're angry or anything. There's enough in the game currently to counter slugging, again assuming the survivors are similar in skill to the killer. Slugging is risky because you…
  • At a certain point pick-rate DOES equal strength, since so many players are choosing to bring Windows instead of other perks like Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, Off the Record, etc. If a huge number of players are forgoing other strong perks and instead are always running Windows, it must really help them. It's also been…
  • If you really hate slugging there are perks to help you pick yourself up, or hope your teammates can help get you up. A killer being able to slug all 4 survivors tends to only happen if there's a big skill gap between the killer and survivors, and is more a matchmaking issue than anything else. If all the players are…
  • The issue is that if sabo is ever actually strong, then killers will just slug en masse. I understand saboing is part of the game but it's just not fun to play against as killer, as the only counter is to slug, which survivors then complain about.
  • It's weird, they only recently buffed it upto 5 and already it's apparently too strong and warrants a nerf. I thought most people, including killer mains felt that 5 seconds was fine. 4 Is obviously still better than 3 but for most survivors it's not gonna be much better than back when it was 3 and not many people ran it.
  • He just got a couple of his better addons made basekit. Sure he's still not amazing but he's in a fairly good state.
  • If they do those things they can be reported and banned.
  • It is very obvious but you can't prove they didn't legitimately need to go afk or were somehow distracted or simply just forgot they needed to do it. Yes, 99% of the time it's someone giving up but there can be edge cases where someone just happened to go through the same things in-game but didn't actually mean to kill…
  • They're both similar in terms of difficulty, Demo is more mechanically-difficult, and for Dredge you need to be more aware of the macro game, where everyone is etc. Dredge is probably slightly stronger I would say, but again not by a huge amount. Perks, well you may already have Demo's perks from back when they were global…
  • I mean people who want to win the most tend to be more likely to abuse stuff that will get them more wins, even when it's an obvious exploit. Look at how many people were using the flashlight-locker exploits ages ago.
  • Wraith is usually the suggested 'first killer' because he's easy to understand and actually pretty good at lower MMR. Though any of the simpler killers like Trapper, Doctor, Pig, Myers, etc would all be fine. Just don't pick killers like Billy or Nurse who are super-hard to pick up and learn.
  • It's really sad that they first announced the Twins rework years ago, kept pushing it back, and then ended up making them so absurdly OP that it was clear they were gonna have to revert most of it. Twins players waited years for some number changes that could have added ages ago.
  • Might have an archive that that requires them to play that way, for most survivor archives you need to throw the match in some way.
  • Distortion's effect is fine, it just needs to actually take longer to regain stacks. I run the perk a lot on survivor and have almost never actually run out of stacks, even when the killer has multiple forms of aura-reading. It really defeats the point in even having stacks when it might as well just be a perma-effect with…
  • Yeah I've noticed in some games getting stuck on things a lot more, like running around a rock or tile and constantly getting stopped.
  • I've had slightly worse connection than normal and in my last game I huge one HUGE rubberband moment, I was running through Badham main building and ended up suddenly back outside near a hook. That said that was the only time I've noticed it but I've not played THAT much since the update. I have seen other people on these…
  • She did get some important nerfs that she did need; not being able to benefit from exposed perks, and changing her range(+speed) addons did need to be done, but yes everyone knew she would still be by far the strongest killer even after those changes. The issue is though, how would you nerf her without just making her…
  • It's been bugged multiple times and didn't even stop Adren, but when it DOES work… eh. People don't like bringing a perk JUST to counter a single perk on the other side, even if multiple survivors are running it. Yes it does also stop healing in general but people only bring it to counter Adren. If no one is running Adren,…
  • "most killers have been stream sniping to win matches". Please don't outright lie in your post, as it will immediately turn people away from sympathizing with you.
  • The issue is that when there are only two survivors left and still multiple gens, or heck even one gen left with zero progress, there's just no realistic way the survivors can win. The killer will be patrolling the few remaining gens and the moment either survivor start doing a gen they'll get found, chased and killed.…
  • If you don't like repairing gens you can play killer, they hate gens.
  • Technically it does give an advantage over someone who doesn't use it, same as filters. I don't think it gives -that- much of an advantage, certainly nowhere near what outright cheats like wallhacks give, but it -is- cheating in my eyes. That being said, technically using colourblind options can be argued as giving an…
  • Yes, making killers, survivors or traps bright neon pink can give a massive advantage to the player, which is why any form of modding is against the rules. Even if you're only changing your own model and gaining no advantage whatsoever, it's still against the rules simply because it's easier to ban all mods than to allow…
  • It really isn't though. A lot of the time you can't know how a perk will actually perform in-game just from reading the description and the numbers the perk has. Plenty of times content creators with thousands of hours in the game have either claimed a new perk will be OP or a new perk will be terrible based on the…
  • Trapper, Freddy and Myers are most in need of buffs and as well as Freddy, Pyramid Head desperately need an addon pass.
  • "Unintentionally throwing" doesn't make sense, since the entire concept of throwing a game requires that you're doing it on purpose.
  • To be fair I don't see any of those killers being played much nowadays. Chucky was the only one with any staying power; Hux, Xeno and Unknown were dropped VERY quickly. As far as survivors, Sable's the only one that I see that much; Ellens and Gabes are pretty rare. Perkwise we had Made for This and Ultimate Weapon which…
  • Technically the 'easiest' way is with Lightborn, but I get your point. 🤓
  • People who play the strongest killers usually do so because they want to win. People who tunnel usually do so because they want to win. It's no surprise there's a lot of overlap, though personally I'd say any killer is just as likely to tunnel.
  • Background Player is the major issue I'd say, though flashbangs shouldn't be able to blind killers facing a wall. Background Player existing means it's no longer enough to just chase a flashlight user away before picking up, you pretty much have to just slug the person you downed and go after the other survivor.
  • But there are survivors who literally don't know it's a bad perk, so no, those people aren't throwing.
  • The problem is you can't say that they're throwing just for bringing the perk. Yes, it's an awful perk that usually will do more harm than good, but like it or not it's a perk in the game that people are allowed to bring and try and get use out of. Most people who play the game don't look at videos or streamers or forums…
  • Invocation is a pretty garbage perk but that's no reason for a teammate to grief you over it. Same as if your teammate is running No Mither, or Self-Care, or boons, you're probably not gonna be happy, but you gotta make the most out of the teammates you get given. Throwing the game because someone is using a perk in the…
  • I would say a 2k is a draw for the killer and the survivor team, but according to MMR, it's two wins and two losses for the killer, a win for two survivors, and a loss for two survivors. How much MMR a killer wins or loses depends on the MMR of the survivors. If they kill a low MMR survivor, they don't get many points, but…
  • It obviously shouldn't work while a killer is facing a wall. Anyone arguing it should is obviously trolling.
  • There's no real way for the MMR to take perks, items and offerings into account because that would mean they'd need to give every perk, item and addon an arbitrary 'power number' to add to the MMR and, well, that would be way too difficult to do. Different MMRs can get different amounts of value from different perks, and…
  • Eh, I find it hard to get too excited about win streaks because they just highlight how the matchmaking system doesn't work. Almost no one should be able to get anywhere close to 50 wins in a row if the game was continually putting them against equally-skilled opponents.
  • If they hide right from the beginning of the game it could possibly be reportable as non-participation, but if someone starts hiding the moment the game goes south, that's not reportable.
  • It's a 4v1 game, but in terms of how the matchmaking system calculates your MMR, it uses a 1v1, 1v1, 1v1, 1v1 approach.
  • 'the black of heart'. You know that a killer getting a 4k at 5 gens doesn't mean they're a bad person, right?
  • A-tier seems like a good benchmark and most people I've heard have said similarly. The only people who ask for Nurse/Blight to be the base power level are comp players because at that level A-tier killers are still kinda weak.
  • If there's other survivors still in the match then I can kinda get it that they're 'wasting the killer's time' so that the other survivors have time to open the other gate or heal up, but when all survivors are at the gates or have already escaped, there's no real reason besides to be toxic. "I wanted to give the killer…
    in So explain Comment by Krazzik April 4
  • The issue with this is that it would punish those who don't have DS even more. Because the killer would 100% know you don't have DS so will always just pick up and hook again in all cases
  • Her perks are pretty bad. They have synergy with each other, obviously, but even then there's still no reason to ever want to run them over any even vaguely meta build. They also don't really have much synergy with existing perks, but you could just slot in an exhaustion perk I guess. The Invocation takes far too long for…
  • I haven't played around with it yet but it seems to be a slightly more consistant Dark Devotion, since you just kick a gen instead of having to injure the obsession. I'd still argue that Trail or Torment is better after it's recent buffs.
  • It's lit from the start of the game and requires at least 3 hooks before it starts really doing anything, and at least 5 hooks to get stupidly strong. Even with Undying that only requires two hex totems to be cleansed and then it's gone and two dead perks the killer then doesn't have. The moment they get their first…