Why do people think others care that they're leaving the game, to me this just screams attention seeking and you more than likely have no friends, so you look for comfort and support on this
Survivors cry about perks and they get nerfed
Oh boy another survivor main upset about her. Leave her be if anything she needs a buff. Try playing as her and you'll see she's very difficult
I'm thinking they'll either become oni or leather face mains. It sucks that dead by daylight is so survivor sided
Someone's salty a killer killed them, take your stupidity elsewhere
I hate ds as a survivor, i know many that refuse to use it
Also you all are proving my point on how toxic the community can actually be i posted this and was hoping to get suggestions and your ideas on what they can do to make the game the best it can be, instead you comment nothing of sort that will help
Look i play both survivor and killer Survivors can be toxic with the teabagging and other tactics. Personally i feel like bbq and chilli is a good perk and doesnt need nerfing at all as a survivor, im happy to see a killer use it as i know they wont camp and they'll try get the kills instead of waiting and face camping,…