I dont think you understand my problem. I'm sorry that you've met a hacking survivor when you played nurse. Its annoying. I can feel that. The problem is, that we have an invasion of hacking nurses atm in EU and they literally locking our matchmaking because the game isnt even 30seconds long. Within 24 hours we've met the…
Yea, i totally understand that! I mean, it dont need to be forever. Maybe just for a short amount of time until they can handle it, because its so extrem in europe atm. Its just frustrating for us EU Players. Last night i literally had to stop again because ive faced the same nurse again on another account and Ive got an…
…but it can't be a thing that hundreds or more survivors arent able to play the game because we're getting an hacker invasion. Its not playable for a lot of players at the moment. I can play like 1-2 Rounds and then I'll get a hacking Nurse / Spirit again. Penalty. I play 1 round…normal. Next Round..same Hacker. Penalty.…
This. The Matches arent even 1 minute long and we're getting a penalty after that. Its so frustrating. :/