It could be my controller, it has once in a whiöe a steick drift. Probably it pushes the curser allbthe was to the left, so it looks like i'm typing backwards
It heppened to me too, more than once, that 2 killers are hunting you or one drives you in the direction of the other so he can easily slash you down. Killers definitly should not be friends or able to communicate with each other
Can confirm it works on PS5 too, just had 2 rounds with players who were hiding with a flashlight inside the locker area/space, unable to get hit
I played a killer against 4 people with DH. When I finally got the first, everyone took a hit inbetween me and the hook, them DH and off he came... As alast resort I tought, well, let's wait and let him bleed out. But them again, they healed him up more than once and he got DH again. What makes me wonder how often can you…