yeah i dont know what im doing wrong then. when they are not running light born or franklins or punishing me by tunneling......the flashlight is directly on thier face and i make sure flashbang etc is on or in front of them. i dont know how its skill when the crap dont wanna work or killers have all the means to counter…
I went from a rank 3 to a rank 15. now im playing people newish people that have no idea what they are doing and getting baby killers that end up face camping me or dc cause i loop them too long. my killer rank was normal rest since i dont play killer much...but my surv is def way off.
I went from rank 3 to rank 15. norm i should have been at 5. i figured it was another bug when people were getting bugged webs and when they add or change anything. im like im having enough issues just im getting paired up with new people or ones that dont play much and its just horrible. it also seems its…