Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I wouldn't say exhaustion perks are a crutch but WoO is an interesting case. I kinda put it in the same camp as the visual heartbeat, they're meant to be there to help out newer/disadvantaged players but are generally ran for their ability to streamline the game. It definitely is fascinating watching how blindness can…
  • Quick Gambit in it's current iteration I always thought was fine. 8% repair boost for somewhat nearby survivors is nice, there's a risk of potentially leading the killer too close to the generator but it's all in the name, a gambit. It really didn't need the change because the perk is fine on it's own now.
  • It was definitely true before his buffs because going after non-contaminated people could really hurt you. But after his buffs now, especially if you're running licker tongue you're incentivized a lot more to go off and contaminate people now because of how easy it is to follow up on it.
  • If you're on the ground for more than 60 seconds either, there's a knockout in play which sucks. You're the one of two final survivors or your teammates are very, VERY bad. Not great situations to be in but I wouldn't say they warrant having unbreakable basekit. Honestly I'd be more okay with just allowing a boost in…
  • I just think it's really funny to get the full use out of it you need to do a grand total of 45 scans on survivors during a match (assuming you get a claw trap every third scan) and that's on top of the fact that the longer duration on claw traps themselves means that there's less time to reapply them on survivors unless…
  • Maybe it's just me but the new expired batteries seems pretty bad for an iri. You get half effective claw traps which serve as a lesser lethal at the start of the match and if I'm reading it right, to achieve the full 150% bonus it requires you to place 15 claw traps on survivors which is honestly insane given how bad the…
  • I just watched a clip from otz about it. three people on a gen all using corrective/hyperfocus allowed them to get a generator done in about ~17 seconds. That's pretty insane although it highlights just how much of a problem hyperfocus as a perk can be. I'd rather corrective to not go back being a garbage perk but…
  • Problem is you can still get two people running corrective/hyperfocus AND have toolboxes at the same time and sure, you need two people on the gen but running on max stacks of hyperfocus + corrective gives each person like what, ~5% progress on skillchecks? And that's just AFK'ing at them. I think it's a matter of…
  • Robert Englund legendary with voicelines on the same level as Chucky would be amazing. Although I thought it was the Wes Craven Estate that still held the rights to Nightmare on Elm street? And from what I heard they're notoriously ass to work with when it comes to licensing.
  • At the end of the day, even if the PTB changes go through in their entirety people are just still going to DC or kill themselves on hook againt Skull Merchant. Doesn't matter how weak she'll be people are just gonna keep doing it, keeping her kill rate inflated.
  • I dunno what I'd call it but I'd make a perk that lets you rummage through a chest to collect a special item. What is it? A trinket or memento based on the survivor. What does it do? Basically nothing. What can you do with it? Escape with the item and get some bonus bloodpoints and a neat little scoring event based on the…
  • I still find it crazy that there's people who are casually hand-waving over the fact that the proposed changes will leave Skull Merchant with half her power gone and somehow she'll be okay because of it.
  • I dunno, it's pretty easy to tell they're just making her bad on purpose so people will stop playing her. Let's look at it this way, she was reworked so that her drones would functional as chase tool primarily. With the PTB changes in mind let's look at it this way. You're in a chase with someone and at a loop, you put the…
  • I dunno really, the fact that they're removing one whole scanline from the drones is just going to make her complete ass to play ass because that's basically half the drone's coverage gone. The only way they can make it work is if they majorly increase the rotation speed on the scanline for it to work since now with the…
  • Most of Skully's problems have been ironed out now, she can't take the game hostage anymore and her drones were reworked to be more chase oriented. Issue is now is that they nerfed the hinder (which is fine), removed the haste completely (not great), and even removed one of the drone scanlines (????????). So what does that…
  • It's yet to be seen how corrective action will combo with other perks. I'm glad it's getting a buff but if it works with Bardonic inspiration (once that gets fixed) I can see it being a problem. Hell you could pair Bard with Stake out yourself so you and your partner can get a few fat skillchecks too.
  • I feel like they're gonna HAVE TO rework her completely now which I feel like is a waste of time and resources? She's pretty okay in her current state but now they gotta rework her again when there's other killers more deserving of it like Freddy.
  • The removal of one scan line? Wouldn't that make it twice as hard for a drone to scan a survivor during chase? I thought that was the whole point of reworking them into that way. That's pretty excessive and I feel like sets a pretty bad prescedent that they can just completely ######### on a killer and leave them like that…
  • Where's the issue? Half the problem with soloqueue is that it's an attitude problem while the other half is a balance issue. If you put all the quitters and griefers together in their own queue then that's half the problem solved. They can keep quittin', dying and giving up as much as they like, they'll just be in good…
  • If Valve can work out a system to determine who goes into low priority queue then the same can be done here. If people can find the time for a 40 minute Dota 2 match then people can find 15 minutes for a match of dbd. We'd all be way better off if serial dc's and people who give up far too easily had their own matchmaking…
  • Half the issue is just basically an attitude problem. It isn't policing how people play, if they want to give up on the first chase and sacrifice themselves then they should go play with others that have the exact same attitude. Just hold a mirror to their face and they'll quickly course correct.
  • Honestly I'd love if they implemented a low-priority queue system like what Dota 2 has. I guarantee EVERYONE here that such a system will make soloqueue 50% more tolerable.
  • All they gotta do is make it so you earn stacks through chases and just adjust the numbers so you can get the stacks back through a respectable amount of time. It's all it needs really, doing so will greatly incentivize people to engage with the killer so they aren't sitting on gens all much hogging up the hook states.
  • I think giving an extra chest on the map with MoG is a fine change however the numbers themselves should be avoided. 40 seconds seems a little excessive because you don't really want the perk to be strong in chase and have it consistently heal you. And I wouldn't touch the requirement either because I think it should…
  • Maybe I'm going crazy but I feel like I'm seeing a lot more P100's now. Almost one in every match with most of them being Fengs. So many Fengs…It's horrible.
  • I think people are being pretty harsh with hellfire. It's no punishment of the damned but it's VERY deceptive with what it goes over and you can use it to your knowledge. Unlike Punishment, Hellfire can travel up or down elevation and the "low obstacle" requirement only needs to be a pixel lower than the survivor hitbox.…
  • I generally keep to bat form only for the teleport aspect. That being said my only problem with bat form is the momentum on it is a bit funny and I find myself slipping and bumping into things when I shouldn't.
  • As long as I don't get the usual rotation of Huntress/Legion/Huntress/Huntress/Blight/Legon/Nurse/Huntress/Huntress/Huntress I'm usually pretty happy with a bit of variety.
  • Most of those perks you described either have VERY specific conditions for it to work or need work on the killers end to get use outta it. Like No way out, to get it's maximum use you need to hook everyone at least once requiring the killer to spread out hooks and work for it otherwise they get bugger all. Blood Warden…
  • I don't know, I think we should avoid giving survivors (and killers) any more basekit perks. Especially a basekit bond and kindred, all you'd be doing is just giving people free information at all times. There has to be SOME kind of cost associated with information because a large part of the game is built around it. If…
  • All it really needs is the ability to see the aura of dropped items when you're in the radius. 90% of the problem with the perk is that you don't know where your teammates dropped their items, if I could know where it is I'd pick up the items and move them myself.
  • I'm definitely not gonna say no to more Nemesis buffs. How crazy is it gonna get? I dunno but I'd say let Licker Tongue have it's moment in the sun, the lil' guy deserves a bit of love. Besides I got 200 of the things, so it'll give me something different to use for a change.
  • I dunno I really like Hoarder and Dracula's new perk mixes with it pretty well. I just wish they'd go back to looking at the loot tables again because I'd absolutely love to see the 'intended' version of Hoarder come back where it just gives low quality brown items. Lich's chests pretty much can do that so it's a matter of…
  • James Sunderland is probably the best person for Scene Partner, he's got the goofiest (and most realistic) scream in the game. I almost run it on him exclusively.
  • I think the Alien chapter was pretty great overall. Nostromo is a beautiful map and Xeno plays pretty well. I think it's more interesting to go against as survivor because the turrets really set the flow of the match. Hearing their detection, placing a well thought out turret feels really great when you shut down Xeno's…
  • The problem with the gen bug is that it also punishes playing fairly by going for hooks. Killing a survivor naturally at 2 gens left ensures that they only need to do one. If I, the killer am going for 12 hooks and arrive at that point why should I be put into an instant disadvantage for playing how you want me to?
  • I'm a huge Nemesis fan but I'm also really warming up to Xeno a lot. Not only because of similar-ish playstyles but I really like the tunnels, it's fun zooming around in them, I like their random nature and they're kinda comfy too tbh. If things aren't going my way I'll just go hide in the tunnels and cry.
  • The fundamental problem with using the gen bug as an anti-tunnel feature is that it punishes success for the killer by doing what they're meant to be doing, killing the survivors. Putting that aside, if you as the killer fail to capitalize on survivor mistakes or make too many mistakes yourself you're SEVERELY punished for…
  • For a combo that's so absurdly powerful I actually don't see weave/franklin's all that much. I might see it sometimes but for the most part I just see a lot of your typical killer builds really. I dunno I feel like this whole discourse reminds me a lot of Ultimate Weapon when everyone was going nuts over that. Another…
  • Problem would be that duos would just be incentivized to the let third person on the hook die so they can hatch out together. It was (sort of) like that with the old hatch where if there was one generator left a trio would let the solo die on the hook for an early escape. It'd just make solo survivor ass all over again.
  • I like the Bard Perk but man it's seriously sneaky stuff. Even with the 1% boost in skillchecks that really adds up if two people are on a single gen and it's really hard to tell if somebody's using it unless you as the killer directly hear it or see somebody using it. That and having it synergize(?) with stake out is…
  • They've somehow made him more annoying to go against and unless you know how to bork the AI during a hunt then most knights just go for a maximum range assassin hunt since without that knowledge you're gonna get hit 90% of the time.
  • If they're running Weave they're most likely using franklin's too. That's two perks dedicated to the combo and two less gen regression perks you have to worry about, three if they're also using lethal as well. It really isn't the worst thing to contend with. However, I've mentioned before that any change that should come…
  • This seems to be an issue more towards killers than survivor (at least in my experience.) I want to say at least half my killer matches put me in Asian servers? As since I'm Australian it really messes with my ping and things like window/pallet interactations get real weird.
  • Not sure what's going on with those Knight changes. I get they wanted to remove pincer strategies but man he's kinda got nothing going for him now. He's still pretty clunky to use and all it seems is that you have to go for long distance patrols but anyone with half a brain can just easily juke the guards now.
  • James Sunderland because every James main is a blessing in Dead by Daylight and stand tall as the beacons of light in the sea of ignorance that we call the Entity's Realm. God speed, kings.
  • Honestly just give survivors the ability to see the dropped item on the ground when they're in the radius of Weave Attunement so there's no issue for them to pick it up and move it elsewhere. That's the only change the perk needs really.
  • Weave attunement is actually kind of hilarious if you're running OoO. You can just drop your item next to a generator to have 100% aura reading on the killer while getting the 6% action bonus or drop it at a jungle gym so there's no mindgaming between you or the killer. It turns into a personal radar system.
  • As a killer I've seen it all when it comes to DC's. People will give up on first down in the match. People will give up early game because it isn't going their way. People will give up late game even when it's going their way. (They personally feel otherwise.) People will give up if you're Skull merchant etc, etc. The…
  • Eh, as somebody that liked old freddy and mained him you don't want the old one back. He had serious fundamental issues. However, I think a good way to bring back an old aspect of him was his old dream demon power. Have them as addons where you can manually pull survivors into the dream world from 8/16/24 meters with the…