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  • Yeah I’ve just stopped playing all together. The game was fun for awhile but I started to feel like that the killers had no appreciation from the Devs. While that may not actually be the case, it certainly felt so in a few cases. Such as the Legion. I’ve seen a lot of cries out for the Freddy treatment for the Legion, but…
  • I actually had thought of a similar- ish concept. My version is more of a passive ability and i don’t know how to addons or how rebalancing would work, but calling them legion had always bugged me. The long and short of it is the other members are hidden on the map and you can switch to them using the ability. You’d only…
  • Well again it’s possible to make two separate chats. You can still inform your teammates about what stuff you want to bring, WITHOUT telling the killer what you’re doing. However as the killer you don’t get to chat to anyone until the very end, where 99% of the time people just leave immediately without responding. Comical…
  • Well most games separate the chats with T and Y to pull up each respective chat. Programming that might take awhile but in the end it’d probably be worth it I think.
  • Well no system is perfect for sure, however as more of a killer main, I rarely get to interact with other people in the game... asides brutally murdering the victims. I’d like to not seem like a prick after I get a quad kill and then say GG because that’s about as much conversation I get before people leave
  • Well, I ‘d like to say that if this happened in real life I’d try to fight back or at least stall the entity’s chosen killer for as long as I can, in hopes that at least one other survivor could escape. However, the sad reality is I’d do just that then die very very horribly, and would have probably only bought maybe 30…
  • Honestly I’m hoping for a new power. There’s not a whole lot of options that can sustain this particular style of game play without complaints to being to strong or too weak. From the threads I’ve read there really doesn’t seem to be a viable happy medium here. I’ve thrown out an idea (on a potential different power) on…
  • I would, I may not be good at the game but allowing people to have a choice is what matters to a lot of fans. you may not but I guarantee you there would be people who do it. It just takes some skill and a lot of patience. Sure you may not get everyone, but you can take a little joy from that one or two kills you did get.…
  • well I think the idea has merit. So what if people have comms, sure it wouldn’t work against those people but hey there’s still room for that kind of fun against randoms. I think there’s plenty of room for niche characters that are somewhat situational. Dunno why people have to make such a huge deal out of people having…
  • Well I love the legion, in fact he’s one of the two or three dlc killers I got. But his feral frenzy could use a rework. I could be mistaken here since I haven’t actually faced off against a legion player but when I play as legion, it seems to me the start of mending stops the bleedout timer. Which if that is correct kinda…
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