same one here
Maybe. Thank u. False alarm.
like was bitten by a wasps
Same stuff. Its not only Nemesis. On Bubba same. Luckyly i manage somehow escape, dunno how. right there i am standing in place of "stuck":
It is just standing there for no reason. In that case it is help a lot.
I dont agreed. He has enough of power. 4.6 + almost power of huntress without need of reload + zombie. Trickster has A LOT less for example. Lose all point of vacsine and some addons Give at least a month that players learn how properly play this killer Statistic will show tryth. PH can hit THROUGH walls and have other…
"I feel like you would be able to abuse it with Unrelenting" If something in this game can do Unrelenting viable perk, then it will be great) 100% you NEVER seen this perk on 10 rank or higher. "sort of like making Dead Hard" Nope) Because when u use dead hard - u get better position without any penaltys. But when you…
have even record with this cutie bad person. AGAIN
checked again. luck - surv didnt know about it That thing is near ALL exit gate on temple of purgation on BOTH sides of exit gates.
Same stuff on Billy PC 4.3.1
Have same stuff. PC. In this trap - can be even 2 survivors.Killer dont stuck. Also if hit surv to dying state - he free now. Also - u cannot recover from dying state. M1 - blinks.
Same issue on PC. How to reproduse (maybe) - bug happend after my Fury was filled AUTOMATICALY, not by consuming blood. Cause before bug happend all match i can do it without problem and fury was filled using blood. Changing key for activation didnt help.
Have same issue on PC. Take a hit by Freddy in a middle of jump in hatch using key. Some screens(second is cute one)):