Just had this happen with a Queen Alien on Autohaven wreckers pulling a Kate out of the locker.
Just did a match as killer, they were able to do both generators, but I have no idea which one they did first. Clock tower opened but no one came to see it so I'm not sure if they did it on purpose or not. Was playing as Tiffany.
Had this work today where the sequence was Music Room, then Biology lab. This did not work yesterday when the sequences was Biogy lab, then Music Room.
Just had a match against a Wesker as a Nancy and this happened. Forgot the map, sorry.
Just had this happen on the Plague's map going against the knight with the crow helmet.
I have yet to have gotten into a lobby for 2 hours, why was this removed from bug reporting?
Just did a match against a Blighted Wesker and had it happen as well.
Just did a match on the Knight's map gainst a Knight with the enchanted glowy armour while pulling a Feng out of a locker.
Just did a match with a Dwight against a Cenobite on the knight's map and had this happen.
Just played a match on The Game with Alien Ripley against an Artist. I had the same locker flickering thing with her. When I switched to spectate she pulled the Jake out and it looked normal.
I was able to get it working with Maria, but I heard only one chime when I was James (With the dog totem).
Played again today against a Wesker and the AI. I was unable to use the toolbox while holding Wesker's spray but was able to put the spray down and then use the toolbox. Against the AI I wasn't able to interact with anything with the scanner in my hand, but was able to put down the scanner on the ground. I did the putting…
Played again today on Haddenfeild as Maria, but a different challenge. Was able to open the boxes and use them as well.
Having done this map several times on the regular tome I have heard the clock chime only ever once. It was always a generator I wasn't on, but it was always upstairs. One time the clock tower clock went crazy during end game, but the clock tower didn't open. One time I finished the music room right after the biology room…
I just did a match where I got escaped before I stepped into a locker and still got the credit for it.
Going back and watching the survivors the map in general just feels darker.
However, the match I got into I crashed in the in-game chat, and sent the unreal error report. Not sure if it's related or not.
Verifying seemed to work.
I just had a Nemesis match and came to repost bugs as well: I heard a really bad sound when a virus crate was opened. I am wearing earphones and it really hurt. I found a crate that was open and empty and got a prompt to open it again. When I did I was able to retrieve an antidote and apply it to myself. Map was swamp.
And yes I realize this was from a custom match but I'm streaming and took the SS and didn't really look. :D But it did happen in a public match too.