Game said I got a black (safety) pip...but took away the pip I had and deranked me from 8 to 9...Last rank reset my rank went from 2 down to 13....ya'll need to fix this...I should be a lot higher rank than I am now. Or, you could remove the rank system and match people based on hours played...
Lobby wait times are because there are MANY people trying to play killer right now. It's a free week, double BP (you get more points as killer), AND the Spirit just released. Everyone and their mother is trying to play killer right now and this means there are more killers than there are survivors, meaning higher lobby…
Oh definitely.
Yes, yes he is. LOL! Only one that's not is Quinten.
@Jack11803 said: What if I did a P3 Claud icon with an in-game iridescent benevolence emblem? LuL. I have almost all of mine P3, no more main 5 me. FeelsBadMan