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  • Yeah I didn't bring Spirit to the subject for a particular reason, other than imo the top 2 killers (Spirit and Nurse) don't have any counterplay and that's why they are so high in the tier list. That's the reason they are so much better than the 3rd best killer which is, at this point, your opinion for who is 3rd. But…
  • In that sense, I agree that there's a better chance to make a Nurse whiff or miss her blink (granted it's not a god Nurse) than a Trapper that holds W in an open area since the only option you have is get hit and run or try to 360 and lose distance when you get hit which will probably get you killed 5 seconds after. I…
  • So can you explain to me how all the ''pro players'' that know how to ''counterplay'' a Nurse and Spirit aren't able to do it? Even though they know what's the Nurse's plan, they can't. Watch any tournament or any SWF ''team'' that go against a random god Nurse and they almost always get demolished with all the information…
  • Maybe if it's a good Nurse yes, but a god Nurse would never let your locker juke work, it simply doesn't work if she knows how to blink. My problem isn't with good Nurses, it's with god Nurses.
  • A good Nurse will never go in a straight line for you. She will try to go to the edge of the wall and get los like that to aim their second blink and hit you. There is no special movement you can do to make her wonder what the hell you just did if she does this technique. I do agree that with trees it's different since you…
  • I really don't get what point you're making to make here. Yes you outspeed her in terms of m/s but she has blinks to catch you. If that's what you were trying to say.
  • While I do agree with the pallet stun even though I think it's janky asf because she doesn't get ''stunned'', the locker mind game is simply not true. The time it takes you to get out of the locker the Nurse has time to recover from her exhaustion and can swing gaining enough movement speed for you to not be able to make…
  • I didn't complain about her being different, I complained about the fact that there is nothing to do against a god Nurse, and in my personal experience, in Rank 1 I see a lot of them.
  • I agree that a bad to good Nurse is fun to play against but a god Nurse knows what to do in every situation to counter every options you have. It's not that difficult to do as long as you know what survivors are capable of, like blinking in front of the window instead of across to see what the survivor will do after or…