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  • I don't like it but if they could just move the gen counter to the bottom left above the item and move the score events to the centre left just below the survivors it would at least be easier to only have to look on the left side. But I doubt that happens.
  • Reduce the cost of all bloodweb nodes by 1000 or 2000. Would help out with the grind a bit and shouldn't be to hard to implement.
  • I feel your pain. Honestly, the only way I can play killer is going in assume I am going to get wrecked. Then when I do have an ok game its a pleasant surprise. So much teabagging.....sigh....I am bad I get it...
  • I counted them as escapes, I didn't want to get too complicated on what constitutes a death or escape so went with yes or no as the options. You can argue when a survivor DC's early that it hurts my chances at escaping. Both situations are mostly out of my control.
  • I am a casual solo PC player and the only data I have is that I was a consistent Rank 6-8 survivor before cross play, now I am Rank 4-5 and even hit Rank 3 for a bit. Take that for what you want.
  • If they want to keep the tiers then reduce the cost of all items on the blood web to 1/3 the current cost. This might even make me prestige some characters as I haven't due to the huge grind to get perks back.
  • Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. I know the majority are not that bad. Just a couple bad groups in a row i guess and i needed to vent. I will definitely take the doctor tips into consideration as he is the only killer i seem to have any success with. I wish you all well and hope to see you in game. Mr_Sparkle
  • I am new to the game but from what I have read this seems to be a big issue for some. Could you just add some time to all actions depending on group size to give the killer a little help? Party of 2 - Add 5% Party of 3 - Add 10% Party of 4 - Add 20% Wouldn't change any mechanics but might give the killer a better chance…