What are you even in about? It gives new cosmetics some of which are the best on the game and aye, recolors of old which is perfectly fine. Which each one too you get tomes that are apart of it, which gives you a ######### ton of BP and grinding. If you play the game consistently, it's basically giving you enough to get another…
That be a stupid decision on their part given chapters naturally give a boost to players and money. Especially when they do all these changes commonly in a mid-chapter patch. Realistically what would they do if they skipped it? Maybe another map rework which aye would be nice but we get those mid-chapters anyways, or giant…
Remove moris, make Cypress base on all killers. Boom, no more stupid games with them and now a useless offering is base for every killer to have their finisher
He didn't need a rework in the first place, he was a fine killer and at most needed quality of life improvements. So instead of trying to buff a killer that was actually hard, but real unique. They made him, they somehow made the man that could slow down games for an eternity, a real boring thing to play against. He's a…