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  • You obviously do not know the true potential to Hillbilly. Hillbilly has the highest skill cap of any Killer in the game, heck he takes even more skill to play than Nurse. If you are an amazing Billy you can do crazy and impressive things. You can abuse the environment to go flying across the map and get skill shots from…
  • Leatherface changes were warranted, he was pretty trash and he was only good for camping. But Billy, he did not deserve this. I am fine with the add-on changes, but NOT the Overheat change. So unnecessary and takes all the fun out of Billy. Nerf the funnest Killer in the game with the most skill potential but Behavior…
  • It is a sad day to see such a proud Killer brought to a low level. Long gone will be the days of skilled Billy's who fly elegantly through the skies before merciless beating you down. The Killer who had the most skill potential in the game has been lost to the Entity. You had a good 4 years, but your life was cut too…
  • Some Killers are unplayable. Nurse constantly rubber bands after every blink so hitting someone is impossible. As Billy during chainsaw sprints I've rubber banded as well. There is so much lag, and my ping wasn't high. I went to hook a Survivor and stood in front of the hook for 2 seconds and then got teleported back to…
  • The entire area in front of the locker is where the killer gets stunned. Look at the animation when you fast vault out, and look at the locker doors. That area that the doors open to and where the Survivor comes out is where the stun occurs. You can use it while injured, it's just harder because the Killer may hear you.…
  • tested it on the PTB, Undetectable counters Spine Chill. Some video proof here
  • yeah, things are inconsistent. Rusted Jaws applies a timed mangled effect but it says nothing in the description of it being a timed mangled. Begrimed and Rusted chain used to have the timer in their descriptions, not anymore. But Huntress begrimed and rusted head still have the timers in their descriptions. So I guess…