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  • that’s a great idea I feel some different rules along with a rank system change would work better overall .
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • I would have to disagree there is always going to be outliers that just play causal but for people who want to work towards something and play with a team with the same mindset people would play. we can also see this happening in other games with a rank mode. They're not perfect but better than what's going on now. Plus…
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • Back then with the numbers rank solo q was extremely better and would actually have teammates know what they were doing. You would also be surprised the amount of people that care about their rank lol. I also said in my first post ranking would need to change with the mode many different ways to change it not like how it…
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • Having fun and looping killers over and over for nothing at the end burns players out. The way you get players to stay is with constant updates which they have been doing which is really great or creating an emotional attachment for players which is what rank does because you get players to care about their rank and not…
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • Right now in the state of the game is you are playing just to play there is nothing to work towards once you are a seasoned player. Rank means nothing right now because you don't even lose pips so i wouldn't even see it as a rank. What's wrong with a little bit of stress for something you want and are working towards…
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • I would have to disagree sure you will have outliers players would play causal but wouldn't get what people would get from playing rank. Of course, casual is always going to be easier to play but for real competitive players, they will play rank which is the point I'm trying to get to, and other game rank systems…
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • Those players would be outliers in the big picture point is solo q will be better with a rank mode because you will team with people your skill level and can't just quit without consequences. Also, I can't entirely agree with competitive players choosing causal over rank look at every game with a rank mode they are all…
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • People that are competitive will play it and we see this in every game with a rank system. It's something to work towards and show off at the end which you wont get from playing casually.
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
  • Yeah because they have a rank and want to keep that rank will only want to play when they are ready for the challenge and also just practicing. People in most casual modes in most games play for fun since there really is no point in "winning" or practicing.
    in Rank mode Comment by NoOneAsked June 7
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