It's because she has "heels" you can kind of hear the same on Kate's Dolly Guitar skin and Feng's anniversary skin all of the skins have heels so they have different footstep sound effects to mimic what someone in real life wearing heels would sound like. Personally, I love it but I can see why most would hate it.
still not getting above 30 FPS in games starting to get sad game still looks exactly like it does on ps5 and is super crisp I am going to cry XD
It's not even in the known issues in the patch notes or anything I kid of wonder if this isn't an intended thing to punish the players who uncapped their FPS
I am curious to know did you and your partner both have yalls framerate uncapped? because from what I have seen everyone who has experienced this problem has had their framerate uncapped
Same thing happened to me I have reported it because I thought it was a bug but it was marked as not a bug and it said it was a "technical issue" even if I restart the game and change the graphics around I don't get above 50 FPS and after a single game I have to restart the game again otherwise I won't get above 15 FPS
I have also been having the same problems before you started having the bad frame rate drops did your window become small like this?