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  • I am bringing this post back from the dead in case it happens to somebody else I am still padlocked on DBD I have not had the opportunity to play the knight and the current event I have liaised with support since the end of November almost every day, they are useless it was sent to the specialist team whoever they are and…
  • I been trying all week they say come back later between 10:30 and 19:00 when its like 2pm in the afternoon. Back so soon, very bad customer service. Your reply gives me confidence that I may play this weekend if I can get through to an agent.
  • Yes it is I tried restoring licences and then deactivating then activating and restoring and so on. Its always been in the library but without the padlock. I think it may be my time to return to the PC these consoles give me to many problems. Thank you for your reply.
  • I already knew that I had to upgrade PS Plus or buy the game from the store. I have the game on disc but my console doesn't read certain discs and this is one of them. This is all about money as usual. How can they say it will always be free as long as your a member of PS and then they move it up. Extra has nothing for me…
  • I added the game to my library when it was free on PS monthly many years ago and only started playing it last year I started buying the DLC after a month or so and moving on to a new killer the game is now on PS extra I am on PS essential that means me paying another 40 quid to play it again or I can buy the game currently…
  • Ok thanks for that appreciate your reply I'm just waiting on the update to download seems to be taking ages. I hope everyone is enjoying the new chapter and I will be on soon to hunt you all down rancor time, I think. Can't wait to see Rebecca and Ada getting a mori.
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