We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • Extremely kind of you to knock that out for me. First session on Wednesday, and I set up a nemesis table to roll a d100 for the killer. They got The Knight right off the rip, so off to the Borgo! Thanks a ton!
  • If you're willing to man. I bought the DbD board game awhile back and have been painting all the minis. I have a chance to run a horror themed game soon and was like....wait a minute I have a ton of super dope DbD stuff ready lets just abuse that. Then I stumble across this and MAN you saved me SO MUCH TIME. Super…
  • Really appreciate these and will be using them very soon! Is there a PDF updated with all the new additions up to the Good Guy? Nice work man! Thanks for making this easy for me lol
  • Its a band aid solution since the game is inherently too fast in its current state, necessitating meta perks for consistency. MMR plans to address this by leveling the "skill" playing field, but that would be less necessary if a killer didnt lose the game in the first 30 seconds if they guess the wrong opening gen. Go play…
  • So I've been on the grind since October trying to finish all the Tomes and achievements. I'm done (EXCEPT FOR THE BUGGED TOME 1 ITEMS !!!!!), and the very last one I needed was Left for Dead. So since it was my last one, I committed to a survivor build for it and tried for around 50 or so games to set up the exact right…
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