You are being pretty aggressive and antagonistic. No one was bad mouthing you. I am sorry your perception is that what is happening. I do agree with some of the other people. If you are unhappy with your ranking, just focus on pipping which does not equal survival. Yes, you are going to get some matchmaking mistakes. We…
I think some people are focusing a little much on the "down potential" of the killer. Legion will also show you locations of other survivors not injured while in frenzy in your terror radius. You can vault. If the developers will not address your "down potential", get them to consider other changes. Maybe allowing mending…
Technician works as long as all people on the same generator have it.
I do not think technician needs a buff. It already is a strong perk. A strong survivor doesnt need the buff to skill checks. They can already do them even with fully stacked huntress lullaby. The perk takes away the sound notification that many killers rely on to determine if a survivor is there or not. Its also the reason…