Same issue here, I thought that was fixed on the last fix, but I had it yesterday.
Ok, you did get merciless, but did you pipped twice? Because, you get merciless after 1 pip, but you have to get 2 pips, otherwise your adept achievement won't pop up.
It doesn't matter if they extend the date, the offering will be yours forever, and when they do fix this bug you can use at any time, like everyone. But it will be great if they extend it because we would be taking a lot more cakes in the blood web since we would be earning a lot more blood points to expend using these…
PC is also working!
You should really try again, to make sure. ;)
haha funny tho..
Same here, I actually was asking myself how the hell she was looping me so quick, then she stopped and show me.
Yeah, I'm experiencing the same issue, I'm not sure it's related, but the killer also was the Deathslinger.