
I just wanna say one thing and I hope at least one person agrees with me... The devs killed the game for survivors bringing the "end game collapse" into the game. Plus triggering the end game collapse via the killer closing the hatch; why should that even be allowed? It's annoying, it gives the survivor limited time to get out. Which is almost impossible. A year or so ago before all this, I had a game with a trapper, I was the last survivor, 4 gens left, I made the game last 25 minutes trying to get these gens done while he was always looking around for me, I got 4 iridescent emblems, grinded them damn points as much as I could and the killer let me live cause he thought I was skillful asf. Well if I tried that now, I would barely safety pip πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ why do the devs hate survivors? Its already a struggle to keep in the red ranks cause of points and the amount of stuff you have to do, now you can just get slugged, all 4 gets hooked together and boom game ends, you cant even struggle. Dont get me wrong I still enjoy the game, I just feel disappointed by what the devs have done. There are still bugs in the game but they just bring another cosmetic out to distract everyone from these bugs πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ AND FINALLY who the hell thought it was a grand idea to go and buff bubba? An already op killer? What an actual joke. I can't be the only one who feels this way


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  • I honestly Honestly I don't enjoy the end game collapse at all, why should it trigger when the hatch is closed? Makes no sense to me at all the killer literally has you as soon as they have closed it...
  • Entitled survivor main You got that wrong, I play both killer and survivor πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I had to, to get the platinum, bubba is op with the new buff, if you dont think hes op then you cant play him simple πŸ˜‚
  • I'm currently rank 1 survivor and when I used to play it all the time I was rank 1 nurse too, I admit there were many times the hatch standoff were annoying, having four gens left as a last survivor something definitely went wrong and the killer did a great job to make it that, maybe you're with randorinos and they are…
  • You cannot be ready to escape when unhooked if the killer is stood next to you and the survivor unhooks you... they were working together
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