
Thanks for actually liking my posts. Usually I think I'm just being a grouch. I switched to dark devotion because that is sort of my relationship with the game. It upset sets me greatly to the point that I had to stop playing it, but I can't actually just let the game go.


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  • They changed it because he wasn't actually good and didn't have a power. His power was that he got to play the game and passively just made the game horribly slow and unfun with a specific set of addons. Now they did him dirty by giving him a power that isn't particularly interesting or good, but he needed more that than…
  • You can try your best not to go down at all or your team can trade speeding through gens for overall safety by stalling gen completion to let a person get their trap off without being pressured. People forget that by default the traps aren't immediately active and pose no threat to you until a generator gets completed…
  • They literally agreed to it when they entered into a distribution agreement with Steam. Family sharing has been around for years and is a well understood and codified system
  • Transferring the obsession is a weakness for survivors and a strength for killers. The reality of that weakness is that if someone is getting tunneled out and they happen to be the obsession with STBFL in play it means the killer is about to lose perk value the moment that person dies. By switching the obsession from them…
  • Myers has the music from the actual films, but altered to better fit the composition structure of a DBD chase track it seems. An original composition can work, but Hello Zepp is what everyone knows and wants as it is the iconic track of the Saw Franchise. Wesker and Nemesis got completely original tracks that are unique to…
  • In Pig's case it really just comes down to Charlie Clouser being willing to license out Hello Zepp seemingly. It seems like while the rights holders of the films love working with BHVR they don't have the say on whether or not the music can be used. That's my guess anyway.
  • They are opening the locker to find a survivor though which is point though even if they aren't looking for anyone inside the locker. You said folks are using Ultimate Weapon are getting a benefit for doing nothing to advance their objective. Ultimate Weapon's only function is to help the killer advance their objective and…
  • Killer's only objective is to find and hook survivors. So by checking the locker they are literally working on their objective.
  • Running 4 regression perks is a consequence of the inherent flaws in gameplay. There isn't really much incentive to not run regression when it is what has the most tangible effects on game out come regardless of playstyle, skill level, or killer. Survivors need an overhaul to their objective to make it more dynamic which…
  • Amanda's main arc in the films is that she's an addict who traded drugs for obsessing over John. She does not actually care about his legacy and fundamentally did not understand the purpose of his tests which is displayed by the fact that every single test she personally setup was impossible to survive. This is even…
  • Or they could just make so emoting and constantly dropping and picking items stop preventing the AFK crows from spawning which is the actual simplest solution and just make so when there is only one or two survivors left if they aren't attempting to either work on a gen or actively in a chase they start to gain crows. That…
  • While i agree that there isn't a lot of reasons to keep trying at that point as a survivor it isn't right to just grind the game to a standstill through constant immersion. It's on the same level as a killer trying to stall the game till server closeout rather than just progressing things normally so everyone can move on…
  • I paid attention, but your suggestion isn't sound. Just because you don't mind waiting longer doesn't mean that everyone else wants to wait with you and that goes for both sides not just killers. It takes 4 survivors to make a match and you're saying to give each one of them a ban option. So that is 4 killers banned every…
  • You're just going to end up getting matched against the Huntresses in the end as for that to even be functional it has to have a default time limit imposed or else matchmaking will grind to a halt because when you have 4 people each with a ban multiplied by the average size of a region you're eventually going to run out of…
  • BHVR is a major company unto itself and quite old as well. It isn't like they're a small indie operation. The mobile game is extremely different from the console/pc game. The dev tools, teams, and functional foundations are very different as well. You can't just port things between them with ease as even the assets made by…
  • No. We have Necromorph at home. Necromorph at home: Singularity.
  • They likely had access to the design documents, but everything needed to be made bespoke considering RE2 remake is made in capcom's proprietary RE engine. I would assume that assets used in that engine would be extremely difficult to downport to UE4 let alone the version that DBD is using.
  • The default killer FoV is 87 and has been 87 basically the entire time so that hasn't really changed and doesn't really change unless you use specific perks. DBD isn't running on the exact same engine as when it released anymore and the game being as dark as it was in general wasn't good. Same with the fog and moonlight…
  • Kinda? Stranger Things and DBD aren't that good. Stranger Things isn't even all that great of a chapter, it's map is pretty bad and Demogorgon isn't the most exciting killer ever. I say this as a big fan of the show.
  • You're actually probably looking to go to South Korea or China servers, but you're going to most likely be extremely disappointed as they are regions that huge on self-reliance and consider perks like self-care worth running even with its current day drawbacks. You'll also be playing against a entirely different set of…
  • Head On isn't meant to be a perk used in chase to start with. It's actually a perk meant to be used to stop a chase involving one your teammate and to counter locker grabs.
  • PS3 and Xbox 360 games could and did have patches. On a quite regular basis on top of having multiple firmware updates for the console itself. It's literally the generation that started the trend of DLC and microtransaction economies.
  • So that isn't Naughty Bear, but the narrator from Naughty Bear. In the original game he only really talked at the start of a level and when you killed all the other bears in the level and during certain event kills. When you killed everyone in a level the narrator would say "Total De-fluffication! You De-fluffed them all!"
  • That's not entirely true. It's a known fact that people's behavior changes depending on whether or not they're able to observed and graded. The entire reason to have leaderboards and stat tracking is to assess the level of perceived skill between yourself and others. So people will change their approach to the game and if…
  • I've been watching Saw since the very first film and seen them all save for Spiral and X. I'm a fan and I think Jigsaw is fine. It's not a great film, but it's fine. Though I also don't ever expect that the disciples will ever be as good as John was because they do not have the same reasoning for doing what they are doing…
  • You should watch Jigsaw.
  • Hoffman took the janitor Hank not John. That's important to remember along with the fact that not everyone he targeted he actually had a hand in their kidnapping or the ultimate construction of the game they were placed in. He also unlike his disciples did adhere to his promise to make test that were able to passed. His…
  • Lightborn is extremely helpful if you have photosensitivity issues and even if you just like having information. You get aura reading on whoever tries to blind you and if you're running lethal pursuer you get for longer so it's like a little mid match lethal pursuer which comes in handy. Rarely will Lightborn ever…
  • F13 despite its other issues somehow is better built to handle the limitations of last gen hardware. Weather effects would be alright for maybe three games before losing all aesthetic effect and 20 games until folks start finding the weird ways it can be used as a gameplay advantage because of some weird way it'll be…
  • If you are facing a pyramid head and reach full torment status he gets the option to use FInal Judgement which he basically chops a survivor in half on bias. Like the way you'd cut a grilled cheese sandwich in half. It's different from his mori where you get wrapped in metal and he stabs you.
  • A plaintext report is still a report that has to be reviewed which is a waste of time. Per singular instance it is negligible, but it adds up over time in conjunction with all the other instances of junk reports. Hug tech isn't regarded as bannable else the devs would have made a statement letting us know expressly that it…
  • I'm not concerned with your stance on hug tech and I don't care if it stays or goes frankly. You shouldn't be encouraging people to file unnecessary reports against other players without an actual cause. You may not like hug tech, but it isn't a reportable offense. Just like using the current portal/void infinites aren't…
  • Do not listen to this person. The devs aren't going to hand out bans for use of hug tech and you're just going to be putting in reports that clog up the support system.
  • You prefer getting hooks over preventing unhooks and that's cool. Some people prefer to be defensive and prevent unhooks over going for more hooks. Both have merits and are valid ways to play under the current system. You've actually been very clear that you do not believe killers should play in a defensive style and that…
  • The game doesn't only consist of defensive play in that regard there is not problem. The killer is still engaging with the game when in proxy, but they are doing so from a dominant position. Yes, you will be expected to work under less than optimal conditions to circumvent the dominance of a proxy camp. Yes, it requires…
  • Proxy camping is still playing the game. Defensive play is still play whether you like it or not. Facecamping wasn't playing the game and it has been addressed and now it's on you to learn how to circumvent the non-deviant defensive play. Period. Facecamping took away survivor options entirely, but proxy camping does not…
  • I don't camp and I have quit the game recent, but that has nothing to do with camping. I quit playing because I think the devs are making horrible design decisions around Skull Merchant and just in general the game as a whole right now. AFC was not one of those bad decisions though. Teamwork isn't a one-way street, but…
  • You want to act like the game doesn't have some of those things, but it does. Folks just refuse to use them. Baseline aura reading? Bond's right there, it's a free perk that only requires anyone to play dwight or at the very least dump some bloodpoints into him. The amount of people who have the perk and yet refuse to even…
  • They most certainly can because what they want is free escapes and a complete inability of killers to play defensively which they aren't getting. They need to play the game as it sits and learn how to actually make proper saves against a defensive opponent. Don't misunderstand me here, being completely denied the chance to…
  • That's hilariously dumb. Comp DBD continues to be the strangest thing.
  • That's straight up revisionist interpretation right there. You don't have to go far to find the countless posts, videos, reddit threads, twitter threads to find complaints about face camping. Literal years of complaints about Bubba never leaving the hook, Myers standing inside the survivor to prevent unhook prompts,…
  • Have you ever considered that a large portion of people who play the role that requires as little social interaction as possible might be on the spectrum? Or that the world is filled with people who suffer from extremely common illnesses who also like to play horror games. Flashlights being able to rapid fired clicked was…
  • Different type of notifications being talked about. They're talking about the audio ques in the game that the killer gets for survivors doing rushed actions like fast vaults and rushing in and out of lockers repeatedly.
  • I'm sure they'll make adjustments to her, but I don't think it will be to something like scan immunity numbers. You can already adjust that with a addon and increase spin speed with another addon.