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  • Chucky is unenjoyable to play as. He was one of my favorite killers, but now that's ruined. I'm an average player, regardless of the killer. I'm not top-notch on chases. I loved Chucky's former ability to counter loops with Scamper not being tied to Slice & Dice. Before, I rarely got hits, but the chases were fun. Today, I…
  • I have the same issue in a few trials. It's a random occurrence. Additionally, It is frustrating when I use add-ons that are rare and I cannot benefit from them.
  • That would be nice as next to all of my characters are level 50 now.
  • If you get zombie placements work into your favor; then, they are of some use. I just don't like it when I see a zombie walking into obsticles instead of trying to get survivors. I actually had too many survivors in the zombies' reach, but they are too busy hugging a tree. I do agree with indoor maps the zombies are more…
  • Having 4 aimlessly walking zombies would help me too. Just lower the rate of mutation with Zombie Gambit. I think that would balance out.
  • Sorry, you found a smart Entity placement. It's rare for me to get that lucky as playing as Nemesis. All my zombies are next to nothing worth of help.
  • OK... The RE movies are based on the games. RE originals had walking zombies. Haven't played the originals in 15-20 years. RE Remake has Crimson Heads, which are zombies who were left on the ground for too long. They will get up and run after you. There is an Alpha Crimson Head who is a boss you release from a hanging…
  • Give them the ability to interact with hooked survivors would be a hoot. Free survivors should get protection points for the rescue in this case. However, the down side would be some survivors won't risk the save. Nemesis would become more OP as well. What's really missing are zombies trying to brake into the RCPD. It…
  • Yup, you tagged them right.
  • Yup, mine too. They are so stupid. Aimlessly walking into trees, rocks, and other obstacles. One continued to walk into a generator while a survivor repaired it. Additionally, there was another survivor on the other side of the wall and she just hugged the generator. They rarely touch anyone unless a survivor runs into…
  • First, Thank You! I don't know where quitter BP is actually calculated into. The saves/hooks compensation is a great idea. A quitter gets nothing anyway and the rest of us loses whatever BP if everyone plays as long as possible in normal play. I hope this idea is implemented into the trials.
  • From a survivor standpoint. Just moments ago I was teabagged by a fellow survivor who was not on my network. In fact, I was the only person playing on PS4. The Killer was The Legion. It does not matter on who all the survivors were as I do not remember; however, I was David King. I do remember the ID of the person who…
  • This October will be a complete year of play for me. I get frustrated with today's matching of top quality survivors. Yes, they love to run from me, duck with a quick timed turn, while I miss with a swing. I spend too much time trying to down the survivor because I am determined to get my hook. I am trying to improve as a…
  • This is where the South Park kids say, "I learned something today." I never thought about vaulting like this nor do I remember any survivors work this on me. I will always know there are too many who are far better and smarter at DbD than me.
  • Addition - Observations and Revelations for Tome II order of Logs and Revelations, and the order of their presentations are different. Unless they are set that way. I do not know as I did not view this collection before today. Just confused on this one.
  • Thank you. I thought the 1st score I see in results is base BP. Then, that number is multiplied by 1.5 for the additional bonus. People thought my math was wrong: however, it never was. I did not know the base BP is everything I do in the game before the completion of my participation. It was a matter of my thinking on…
  • Math is not wrong. Never played an actual event other than our basic Archives since I started a few months ago. My understanding of the 1.5 for total run to run plus 1.5 was the issue. For a simple minded, I think 50% bonus as a statement for those who never played before. However, thank you all for clearing this up for…
  • If i get 10k base points then add the additional 1.5 of 10k (15k points) Then 10k plus 15k equals 25k. However, I see 10k plus 5k (1/2 10k) when I am done. I am trying not to be combative, just get an understanding if this is what the Devs intended. Because when Devs did 2x points, we got 10k plus additional 20k for a…
  • I know.... but I end up with half base points....
  • Need a DEV assistance in this.... I know what it should be but what I get do not seem right....
  • I know it is the points I get normally, no perks and no offerings. However, I still see half additional points from the regular points I get from the round. I play the round.... score regular points..... score half bloodrush points from regular points...... Devs????