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  • Now that I’m not addressing a troll, I will contribute to the conversation. I don’t know that rank means anything. I have played against 4-8 and run loops around them like it’s nothing, but then get killed by a very skilled killer who is rank 17. And I’ve been stuck at 14-15 for a while. The highest I’ve been is a 10 as a…
  • Your idiotic comment tells me that you don’t even play survivor. You sound like a bitter killer who has been bested multiple times by people pulling the 360 on you. You probably camp and tunnel too because you can’t get kills without that. You are probably like the guy yesterday who dc’d when run one full loop (not by me).…
  • I’ve never had an instant survivor queue either. It’s always several minutes. The only time my matches are instant is when I play killer. As soon as I ready myself, I’m in a game as a killer.
  • I agree, the matchmaking is awful a lot of the time!
  • I wholeheartedly agree. It’s the toxic behavior that makes the game unbearable, not swf! After many of the douchey things I’ve had to endure, like a plague who hooked me and then just vomited on me repeatedly until I went through the phases and died for absolutely no reason, or the players who just hide while we die, and…
  • I fail to see the problem with swf. I play with my friends because it’s the only way this game is remotely fun. Every time we get a solo player we put as much effort into them as they put into the game and the team. If they hide, don’t work on generators, don’t try to unhook anyone, or help in any way, hell yeah, we bail…
  • I myself play both sides an equal amount of time and I find being a killer to be super easy compared to being a survivor. As a killer I pretty much win every game and I don’t even have to try that hard. But as a survivor, even with a decent team, we might win maybe one or two games. Especially against certain killers. And…
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