also fix this website to where we can upload videos, if xbox let's us upload 2 minute clips or allows us to stream live why can't you allow us to post the video of what happened on your forum? Dead by daylight for xbox is your game fix it
Fix this bug, people shouldn't be getting stuck and losing the chance to escape, or lose out on their rift challenge, this is a killer based game, so why not give us some shards or auric cells or ask us what we would like for making us die in a match because of your glitch!!!!
We got stuck at the Coal Tower in the McMillan Estates map aka the factory. I was Dwight and I healed Adam Francis from dying state to full health, the exit gate was open, another teammate escaped, and the entity killed us both, because we were stuck and could not move. I uploaded the video to my Xbox profile, but it won't…