The Problem with this perk is that its toxic in itself. If for example, it was stronger or gave bonus bloodpoints, then it would be a good idea to combo it with iron grap and agitation, allowing the killer to put a survivor from half the map into the basement and camp him there, which would be very unfun for anybody. If…
yeah both aura reading perks are equally as bad. I absolutely support troman's Thoughts.
P yramid Head would be awesome, 100% supporting the idea :) Alma would also be nice. My own suggestion would be Nemesis from resident Evil, Bazookas and Minigun :P
The Matchmakingsystem of almost any other game balances this issue by giving the players in a group a higher matchmaking ratio. only dbd does not, afaik. Simply give survivorgroups a killer who is some levels above them, and its evened out (as long as the rank system is flawless , of course). Alternatively, give killers a…