The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I don't think console players have yet discovered that a number of killers will use mori when they see keys in spite of the key.
  • Lmao I died when you said, "literally triggers every forty seconds." I mean literally you don't have a brain. First off, it is impossible to trigger every forty seconds unless you're walking or sitting still. It also can only be used when you're injured. And people whining about it extending loops are people who fall for…
  • DS is only available for 60sec after being unhooked. Chances are the survivor unhooking was not recently unhooked and in turn you go for the survivor unhooking. If the BT survivor body blocks just hit them. They then waste time body blocking and having to mend. Chances are you still seen where the other survivor went and…
  • Body blocking can be good and bad for both sides depending on the situation. If all 3 are body blocking yes it sucks, but you throw the survivor down and get multiple free hits. I guarantee they stick around and try to pick him up. If only one or two people are body blocking, it is again free hits on survivors. I know…
  • I think people who only play survivor or only killer tend to believe the other side is so broken. The game must be unbalanced. The thing is the game is more balanced then people tend to lead on. Also a game like this will never be perfectly balanced and people need to accept that. I don't really see a problem with pretty…
  • So first off, I would like to state that I play on both sides pretty much equally. As a survivor I don't really use either unbreakable or DS often. I don't find them that useful through most matches against really top tier killers. The reason why I think this is because good killers are able to pay attention to detail.…
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