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  • I do have ideas on why he is so aggressive and why the entity might want him to be a survivor instead of a killer, but I'll spare it this time and just say he likely went through a lot of ######### which might have enforced a natural will for control and hope in surviving whatever he does which could be perfect for the entity.…
  • It didn't answer my questions but I agree. Add competetive to 1) too. It will never be completely peaceful, after all it's killers chasing survivors. It however could reduce toxicity if some buttons were to be pressed on both sides. About 2), yes, absolutely! I can tell from experience. I was trained to be a programmer and…
  • @TeabaggingGhostface OMG YES! I would love to participate in on that!
  • Also since you provided me this info I'm that caucasian guy with brown straight hair usually cut short to a crew cut or undercut. You can expect me smoking a cigar around the corner in a ginnel when it's dark. Throw a knife at me and I throw a pallet. Or some empty beer bottles lol
  • I was joking too. Should I have been using a :D smiley?
  • I agree with you there. And since the new day has already started I better get some sleep and have a butty and brew before commenting anymore.
  • Can I convince you to prank a friend?
  • @OniWantsUrLocation Dead easy to answer for me. What it is, right. I was sent the link at some point and saved it on my computer in a .txt file with some comments, probably in the early 2020s. And I found this recently while "cleaning out" my hard drive. Doesn't matter anyway.
  • It wouldn't have changed anything if the favourite series character of that man turned out to be gay or lesbian, would it? I don't believe in media representation being anywhere profound if it's not real people. It's more like a tool box add-on. It can fix one and then gets useless. Historically speaking, hatred of gays…
  • This might be an old thread but I really don't see were these people fit the characters. It's like people claiming I look like Ace when in fact I'm not even close. Even young Bruce Willis has a fair share of differences. Adam and Will Smith? And Jeff is Hagrid from Harry Potter, eh? This gave me a good laugh to be fair, so…
  • Ein Erlebnis ist es mittlerweile nur noch höchst selten, egal aus welcher Sicht man es sieht. Ja, ist leider echt so. Hab deswegen weitgehend aufgehört zu spielen. Hat auch sonst keiner mehr aus dem Freundeskreis Lust zu spielen und Solo ist es einfach nicht mehr das, was es mal war. Da spiele ich lieber Rugby '22.... Aber…
  • Ich bin echt kein Fan von Ghostface, aber das Gemobbe in dem Spiel finde ich auf beiden Seiten schrecklich, wenn es denn auftritt. egal von welcher Seite. Und gerade weil ich Survivor Main bin und gerne mit fairen Killern spiele, ist ein solches Verhalten "aus den eigenen Reihen" unverantwortlich. Da kann ich dann auch…
  • Vor allem der Nerf vom Eisernen Willen nervt mich ziemlich. Ich spielte oft nur mit Davids Perks, habe aber immer mal wieder Eiserner Wille und Unbeugsam als Alternative zu Kein Gejammer genutzt. Lohnt sich ja nicht, in einer Runde voller Megs mit einer Warnweste durchs Spiel zu laufen, die dem Killer sagt, dass man ein…
  • I used it in the beginning to learn from the disadvantages and found it fun in parts, but now I prefer to use Iron Will and Unbreakable when playing alone or when there is at least one random. I hate dcs.
  • Let on, Wrecked. I read your post again today and decided to leave a nice word (and a little reaction) anyway. After all, it was one of the few posts that didn't cause me any anger outbursts at all. Quite the opposite. I think I understand ye. That is something that I 've actually been missing for a while. I 've once again…
  • If I bring anything at all, it might be my set o tools.
  • I used it in the beginning to learn from the disadvantages and found it fun in parts, but now I prefer to use Iron Will and Unbreakable when playing alone or when there is at least one random. I hate dcs.
  • Regardless of the previous speakers (because I didn't mither to read all that just yet. It's not far from a new day over here): it is definitely valid as soon as there is no other option for the killer towards the end of the half. But getting knocked down right at the beginning of a round, only to be slugged that yes,…
  • A friend suggested it to me and raved about it, but even though it looks interesting, I'll wait and hear or read what the players have to say about it when the time comes. I have bad spending habits as it is. Shouldn't buy random games if the possibility of regretting it is still given. Also having it on Steam sounds…
  • Caleb's Snake Oil indeed sounds interesting. I'd try that. Or some Ink. Hope it's no cheap hooch.
  • I might be a little late, but I don't particularly give a bloody d*mn. I'm maining David King because we happen to have some things in common. He was one of the first characters I played, along with Bill, and I only use others when archive tasks require it. I don't care how loud or quiet he is. Just makes it more…
  • Soll man jetzt raten, was das Perk kann?
  • Haha, yeah. The first to not be found anywhere but in the tall grass. IF ya find her at all.
  • it’s not wrong but on the other hand, it’s kinda never expected for heterosexuality to be revealed. I mean, have you ever heard of someone coming out as straight? It may not be an everyday situation, but I certainly have. In the course of a few people's self-discovery, I witnessed how one or the other had to question…
  • you mean sharing, why I think they made this extra announcement? Exactly, because somehow I understood parts of it, but I don't really see it as coherent. well. First of all, it’s their first revealed LGBTQ+ character in the game since the start in 2016 It is, however, even if many would have expected something completely…
  • i am on mobile so maybe on desktop it’s a little bit different. It is, indeed. I was looking for the symbol at the bottom of the input field, but it was on the left side all the time. Exactly where I could not have seen it according to my current state, wonderful... But now it has been cleared up. Thanks anyway. I would…
  • I apologise in advance if my answer is confused or does not make sense. I tried my best but sleeping pills, tranquillisers, antipsychotics and more are ######### with my head right now, on top of a cold turkey alcohol withdrawal and a few rather uncomfortable encounters. But enough about my private life. Just take note of…
  • The fact is, you can't please everyone. And you shouldn't try to. As you wrote, if they had kept completely silent, the woke community would be pissed off. And I'm sure you, or anyone in general, realised how much trouble it caused - at least a hint of it - to announce it like that. At least I just brazenly assume that. I…
  • Oh, damn! Why didn't I see that?! I was thinking she looked so familiar. Now I feel dumb lol. Thatnks for telling me.
  • Mine too. If she'd be added to the poll I'd even vote her. But she isn't so she'll be my secret killer friend in my head because of her ways.
  • Ich spiele zu 98% David King, meistens fast komplett nur mit seinen Perks, außer Kein Gejammer. Dafür benutze ich dann doch lieber Eiserner Wille und Unbeugsam und vezichte auf das dicke Blut. Aktuell spiele ich aber mit diesen Perks: Eiserner Wille Städtische Umgehung Hart im Nehmen Je nachdem, ob ich alleine oder im Team…
  • Teabaggen kann aber auch Danke heißen, Survs gegenüber Survs und Survs gegenüber Killern - wobei letzteres schon seltener ist. Zumindest kenne ich einige, die den Killer nicht teabaggen, um ihn zu verärgern, sondern weil er fair gespielt hat oder sie sogar hat gehen lassen, wenn die Runde unglücklich gelaufen ist. Immer…
  • Exactly. It shouldn't matter. And personally I think it doesn't make too much sense too either. As ya said, they don't talk or interact with each other. They just exist tryna survive an endless bloody painful and "scary" hell. They should've included it in their datin game if they wanted this to happen, haha. Now there's…
  • Me too. What's your reason?
  • I just sprinted in here in one set to have a little chat with people, read through all the posts, including the bug fixes and other announcements, then disappeared into the fog - just (almost) as quietly as I came. So probably mainly the social aspect? Is drunk stalking social?
  • I would say that I can drink 6 to 8 bottles and still be able to go for a walk and finish my routine for the evening. The next day I would most likely not have a hangover, but be fit, just not slept in. (I guess I could drink David under the table if I wanted to, because more is definitely possible. But I don't want to. I…
  • With him saying some lines of the parody.
  • Favorite: Pretty much everything about this game. It is fun as a killer to search and hunt survivors just as it is fun as a survivor to hide from the killer, work on generators or run from the killer. The different characters - both, killers and survivors alike -, perks, offerings etc. I particularly like rounds in which…
  • Dem kann ich nur zustimmen. Sowas gehört gebannt oder auf einen anderen Server. Hatte heute erst wieder einen russischen Camper. Der hat aber zumindest für einen kurzen Moment eingesehen, dass es ihm und den anderen Mitspielern nichts bringt. Naja, aber eben nur kurzzeitig.
  • Es hat halt irgendwo angefangen und breitet sich aus wie ein Virus. Schade und unnötig, aber was will man machen? Ich bin Surv-Main, aber ich kann eigentlich nur bestätigen, was hier ohnehin schon geschrieben steht. Ist mir als Killer UND als Surv aufgefallen. Aber es bringt auch einfach gar nichts, sich darüber aufzuregen…
  • Bin neu hier und mir ist dieser Beitrag direkt ins Auge gefallen. Ich schätze, es ist die Frage nach Huhn und Ei. Ich sehe es da ähnlich wie Kabniel. Beide Seiten haben toxische Spieler, es gibt auf beiden Seiten Spieler, die ständig rumheulen wegen irgendwelcher Spielweisen. Viele Dinge, die einfach nicht ideal laufen.…