Oh okay. Don't worry I'm not going to do it, but well I always think of a possible plan b haha. You are very kind, thank you for replying :D
Oh how happy it makes me to know that! I am more relaxed. I mean, for example: I unlink my account, my progress returns to the moment when I link the account, I have to wait 60 days to re-link and recover my progress, everything I get after 60 days, such as the lunar event or the rift It will be merged with my progress…
Hi, do you still have 60 days left? It hasn't happened to me, but I'm curious to know if the progress that has been saved will be merged with the progress you made after 60 days?
If I have the Epic and Steam account linked. And unfortunately the steam account I unlink it, the progress will be saved by the Epic account?
The progress will return, but it will merge to the current progress (whatever it does from here to the next 60 days). That is my question?
Una consulta. Si yo vinculo mi cuenta con ambas plataformas (Steam y Epic). Y por desgracia desvinculo Steam (no lo voy hacer), mi cuenta retrocederia el progreso hasta el momento que la vincule y no podre vincular con steam hasta los proximo 60 dias, PERO al tener tambien en Epic, me salvaria el progreso? Y luego cuando…