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  • I only play killer to clear all the current challenges to get the season pass done and get a few quick BP's now and then, my experience with the way tunnelling/gen-rush/gen-slow is going for killer is unless you bring at least 2 gen-slow down perks you'll have 2 or even 3 gens popped by time you've hooked 1 on the low/mid…
  • You can use lightborn for mostly stress free pickups. If it's more about buzzing flies then starstruck would make it a risk for survivors to get close or fireup to the change pickup timings
  • he is absolutely neutered on indoor maps, anyone with a half a brain will run you around small rooms avoiding any chance to hit them with slipstream which completely kills the chasing bio-pod method of launching it ahead of your target and even then half the time the pod target goes red on the silliest of things or the…
  • There should be no individual caps, make a hard 40k for base points, so if i'm stuck getting chased/tunnelled or stuck on Gens, i feel rewarded for being a team player by staying in the game or doing boring gen work. Fix killer power interactions, twins means no points, legion as well, stealth killers give you nothing alot…
  • make sure to keep 1 charge for the end.
  • Had my fill of tunnellers tonight from gen5's (soloq for me), last 4 games before i quit for the night, 2 weskers in a row hardcore tunnelling others, on the 2nd i offered myself up, got downed and he still chased the David down across the map (via killer instinct). Then i had break from the tunnelling for a scratched…
  • Increasing Freddys power the more people are in the dream world is a solid idea, either something like Fire up to his base movement and interactions or faster cooldowns, faster placement of snares/pallet, have snares give increasing debuffs where 4 in the dreamworld is exposed.
  • I had to sign up, in my 3 years of playing this game i've never seen soloq stay this miserable this for this long, usually big changes have the player base adapt by 2/3 weeks in like DH timing adjustment and speed boost loss, but i'm still seeing alot of DC/suicides in the face of helplessness of proxy camping/tunnelling…
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