As It stands now, the game is a struggle to enjoy. As survivor, I feel like I escape most of my matches unless I get tunneled and face camped. As killer, I've just been defaulting to memeing to finish challenges as I'm not willing to play toxic and am either always matched with a tough SWF or baby survivors too sweet to…
I feel this. Been 4k slugged and just left there to bleed out while the killer taunts way to many times. I know I'm not amazing but dang, just hook me so I can get I to another match and have fun!
I'd like it if it didn't lure a significant amount of toxic players back to the game. I've been seeing a lot more disconnects/face camping/taking the game hostage/hate messages in the game in the past week than I had prior to the event. If auto-ban comes out during the event, it'll be great.
Y'all are right, I shoudn't worry about looking bad slugging if another survivor is nearby. I'm working on my mindgames and trying to get moonwalking going. I put on I'm all ears when I played after posting this and it's been a big help with that.
When I play killer I've never had any bad experiences in Ormond.
As another survivor main who occasionally plays killer, I personally don't feel the need to hold the game hostage and tbag like I'm 12. I get my end game collapse, check to make sure my team needs no unhooks then I leave. Aka I'm just not a toxic survivor.
Agreed, the description for the category is extremely innaccurate. Behavior should get on that whenever they start paying attention. I just did survivor challenges and am doing the gold challenge that crosses over into the killer challenges so I can skip it. I only got iridescent once when the survivors decided to be weird…
Playing killer can be a bit tougher on console because of the new hit lag and lag while survivors juke is a thing. I still don't do awful but it has definitely saved a few dozen survivors from a hook. I never had issues in past years playing but 4.1did get me a bit of (skill forgivable) lag. Also my PS4 fan really hates…
Surviving a match is only one small fraction of playing a good survivor. I also get a bit bummed when I get sacrificed really quick as the survivor or only eliminate one player as the killer. But the game isn't really about killing everyone as the killer or getting through those gates as the survivor. It's about getting in…
I completely agree. The grind for shards to afford one third of a cosmetic is pretty rediculous The cost of cosmetics come out to about 10 USD a pop and paying for exclusive skins that can't even be ground isn't a very good business practice. The grind for the rift is better, though the latest archive/rift as of August…