Hpw will one feel like a merciless, bloodthirsty killer if they dont go for 4ks. In my mind I dont see a 8ft tall battle hardened ogre or Interdemensional monster that wants nothing more than to kill losing to 4 strangers who may or may not be clever or hardy
Its fun destroying survivors who underestimate Demogorgon due to their experience with people who dont play him properly
I love playing as a killer with lots of map presence like Demogorgon and Oni's roars and sound effects, definitely makes me feel in the power role and formidable. I main Demogorgon, Oni, Spirit, Clown, Huntress, and Hag
Oh thanks! Couldnt find it anywhere from someone else besides my own gameplay so I thought people were unaware of this great change
If there are DCs before any hooks are achieved, there should be compensation
I was quite dumbfounded at how easy it was for them to win
Spirit and I'm surprised no one is saying clown. He seems pretty balanced to me. Give reasons as to why not pls lol.
Does this really happen? Leatherface was my first III50 character and I despise camping and tunneling. The only time I "tunnel" is when I smack someone down who's been hooked just so they can't do anything without actually hooking them while searching for other survivors.
Hag can be really powerful in the right hands and build.