Unfortunately I was playing with someone. But I also come here occasionally to read how things are going, I just got very frustrated in a match and made a post.
No one said that either. Really i'm beginning to wonder if its worth making an argument out of this with you, friend. The point being, if one side is massively not having fun with mechanics to the point where they no longer want to play a game, something ought to be done about it.
When the heck did anyone mention dead hard?
Great advice, unfortunately I was more looking for something productive or at least some discussion that doesn't end with stop complaining or don't play.
Oh snap. Thanks for the heads up.
I put a circle of healing boon down, but thank you for your suggestion.
I made no claims otherwise, I would still say that people deserve to not feel as though they're actually playing the game and not feeling like it's a miserable time to do so. It's ridiculous to claim that's a zero sum game for one side. I have absolutely lost and had a good time playing this game. One side does not need to…
Yeah, I broke my mouse and space bar clicking fingers. I just can't do it anymore. I'm getting got left and right in here. All of your rancidness aside, these perks can be helpful in avoiding these things but more often than not if someone wants you out of a game that's it for you. Also, the fact of the matter it is it…
Ouchies. The facts hurt me so bad over here.
I'm almost certain I qualified bits of my post with at least some of that. Buuuuuut I will say that numbers have dropped significantly and continue to, or that seems to be the trend. Though, if you're having fun playing I'm glad for you. I wish I was.
Good contribution dude.
Dang got me.
:) I love the bonuses!! :D
90% of my own matches.
Why not just have the survivors hook themselves, problem solved. Why give them any means of escape in any situation????
Poorly. Almost every game my friends and I have played survivor wise has been a tunnel/camp fest. There are a few here and there where the killer has been merciful but it has been a miserable experience. Thus far anyway.
I find the whole piping system kind of funky on survivor to begin with, its also very punishing for things seemingly out of my control. Which feels bad. Obviously.
There's no way this is legitimate, oh my god.