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  • Well his whole shtick is suppose to be slowing progression in the dream world, and if you decide to wake yourself up he knows where you are. In my opinion, because he takes a long time to put people in the dream world, and you dont even need gens to wake up (self care) it kind of makes it an uphill battle. I like the…
  • OP doesnt grasp that the one in 1vAll is SUPPOSE to be strong and youre NOT suppose to easily 1v1 them...
  • It probably wont go up for purchase until the Auric Cells do because you
  • Thats not all right. The BP thing is does server side via the Devs. Its like how hotfixes dont need to go through as much as say a full update (look at For Honor and their weekly added cosmetics). Adjusting the values for BP or say xp and so on is just a setting that gets tweaked, nothing else. They could turn it off or on…
  • As I said earlier, this is on the Devs not Sony. I know a lot of people think "Well its there for everyone else but PSN NA so it must be Sony". That simply isnt the case. Again, yes the main store updates Tuesday at 11am est usually, but there are other times if companies have submitted content, that the store will update…
  • I mean I just recently bought the game during a sale on PS4 and holy cow. I can see why so many put their profiles to private. I cant remember the last game I played where I got a random message mocking my lack of skill when Im new. The survivors on here are nearly as bad as trying to pick up LoL. Its ridiculous.
  • EU players have it already which I believe we can still get matched with, also I believe if youve grinded the shars you can get them for 9k
  • To be honest it probably wont come out until the Tuesday store update. I dont know whats going on with all the missed deadlines.
  • Thing is, the PSN store has update several times since the 2.0 update went live. It updated for the new Defiance currency on Thursday or Friday and it just updated at 3am EST. For something that was suppose to be ready the same time as the update, it sure is weird that it didnt drop when it could have....