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  • You're expecting people to be good at this game and have enough brain cells to loop m1 killers? Good luck lol, talking about checkspots I can already tell you're a ladder/comp player you told on yourself with that terminology lol it takes one to know one I guess but chucky isn't bad but not great he's mainly a solo stomper…
  • Custom matches are a good thing it will build confidence for your friend, you should also set up private matches with friends for him and show him the ropes or the more fun side of dbd like builds that have synergy , also ive saw some people call t bagging toxic but I disagree it's a valid strategy I'll use to be tunneled…
  • I would argue it would be more miserable to have to deal with a squeaker screeching and hurling slurs because they're being proxy camped or tunneled or they wanna blame their team for them dying, I feel like it opens the door for trolls who would be doing things on purpose to get a reaction whether it be for their own…
  • The philosophy I go by is there's good and bad people everywhere no matter where they're from, all you can do is be kind to those around you and hope for the same in return. Just because someone appears toxic from a playstyle in game, if they're being nice and not rude or egotistical people also need to accept that person…
  • The first time I realize they have it I get caught off guard but then I'm usually fine after that and can hit them all unless I'm just having a bad day
  • If you're in a situation where the killer is possibly about to find you ill heal you just to get you to the mark faster but I'll let go before it finishes so you can still use it as intended, the reason people try to help is because most survivors dont use plot twist properly and it ends up hurting more then helping when…
  • People wanna act like this is non stop 4 man squads with infinite flashbangs refusing them a single hook, I've played killer only the last two days and have only seen it a handful of times, most of the time once I know they have it , it's no longer effective at that point, are people forgetting you have to do gens to get…
  • Reactive healing+solidarity is a fun one to run,especially in a squad that likes to take aggro or go for saves
  • If it weren't for the que times being bad I'd take it back even further and go back to the very specific point in rank based matchmaking where it seemed like the players you were paired with and against were genuinely of equal skill, but alot of survivors and killers complained it was too hard to pip up in red ranks but I…
  • What's funny is if you didn't tunnel you made the whole team waste 2 perks lmao
  • It depends on what you consider dead, the game isn't far off from being finished with updates and new additions and soon we'll be left (hopefully) with the servers still on so you can play just no more new content, if they shut the servers off the game is officially dead unless you use the back door into the old version of…
  • Most survivors dont sway side to side but it's very effective when they do, from what I can gather most people are just pulling in the opposite direction but some understand the sway helps more, so I would say it's not exclusively a bot thing but bots do it in my opinion because that's what the devs are intending you do…
  • Are you gonna really sit here and pretend like you're better than them because they hide a name? That literally means nothing, the person you're dodging could be 10 times better than you for all you know and here you are acting like it's an inconvenience.
  • Actions are extremely clunky like throwing a pallet has been affected it almost forces you to the middle of the pallet when you throw it instead of the outside, the other day and I got stuck inside the pallet after throwing it so mid chase after stunning the killer I can't move it was a free down for using a mechanic…
  • I don't see anything wrong here what do you mean? No insults and nobody seems to be angry, how is the thread not going down well?
  • I don't know why people are upset I would rather have the bot as my teammate than some crybaby who nopes out of every game, What really grinds my gears are the people who suicide on hook and force the game to be a 3v1 instead of just DC
  • That's exactly the type of thing I'm seeing, they could have a brand new part and still be afraid to touch a gen
  • lol dont be sorry I love those responses
  • Yea maybe, it normally doesn't happen this much but today is one of those days
  • Alot of killers will complain and say they were going for the unhooker but I think it's good, people need to stop proxy camping every hook they get and actually go try to protect the gens and the devs are seemingly wanting to influence that mindset to leave the hook and go for the other survivors on the objective instead…
  • Losing players will be the only way the devs listen, if it even matters to them anymore this game has raked in millions more than they ever expected to make already.
  • For the most part you're right but there are scenarios in which that can happen without getting a chance to show skill depending on map and killer synergy and just the rng of where you're at, you might be against a Ghostface and not realize it yet at the beginning until you're marked and downed in seconds, but then turn…
  • This doesn't matter because those people aren't so good at the game they deserve some sort of pass, they aren't too good to play with others they're matched with, I guarantee anyone complaining about this would be just as easy of a two tap as the person they're complaining about, they're just clogging the ques while…
  • This would be where I draw the line and Uninstall this game the que times would be horrendous, it's already full of entitled people who think they're the greatest but then to top it off now we want to mark players with more skill so you can just shut your brain all the way off instead of half way and clog up the ques to…
  • The devs don't care, they just let EAC deal with it and if they aren't caught by the system then the devs let it roll unless you're blatantly hacking and can be reported for something you did in game but if they aren't streaming it they could have you looking like Homer Simpson and make your breathing 10 times louder to…
  • I don't see how this is an argument, yes it's cheating and in my opinion it should be bannable but the devs don't see it that way unfortunately
  • While I personally don't mind being tunneled because I like chases, I despise when people play nurse or another high mobility killer and sit just enough away so the meter doesn't fill and camp the survivor knowing it's not too far for you to interrupt and get a free down, it turns the game into a boring gen simulator with…
  • I personally don't think adrenaline needed the nerf at all due to what it took for it to activate, the killer has pretty much already lost if theyre being hit by multiple adrenaline users thats a skill issue not being able to finish the game fast enough, but it's really not all that bad of a change to the point i would be…
  • I'm on steam , I've been experiencing problems with rubber banding and also clunky animations , I threw a pallet earlier today and got stuck on the pallet because the animation was clunky and it merged my characters hit box with the pallet and I couldn't move, it seems like any type of action is causing this , I'm running…
  • This is actually a big problem because they can also make your model bigger and make stealth impossible, the same with killers like Myers and Ghostface they could be turning them into a character that makes them stick out like a sore thumb and make any real stealth attacks next to impossible to pull off, and how would we…
  • I feel like Unknown is in a good place the only things I would nag about are QOL type fixes for him not really buffs or nerfs
  • the best killer perk BHVR ever made, serving survivors up on a silver platter in the killers lair
  • It doesn't work on blocked generators, Mandy explained that in a different thread so potentially you could be down there all that time and under the right circumstances it literally would be for nothing depending on what perks are being ran by the killer and what's happening out of the basement
  • You played din 2019 that's when alot of the stuff was watered down already the stuff we're talking about is before that, like how you used to be able to Sabo trappers traps and they would be gone forever forcing him to be a m1 killer the entire match and then if someone else was Sabo on the hooks they were gone forever too…
  • In 2017 alot of that stuff was still there for survivors and it wasn't for killer so no it wasn't like you're saying with all that at the same time, this game was stupidly survivor sided when swf was introduced and the devs focus was to make it more fun for friends to join , the killer still had a 1 hook mori but killers…
  • Maybe it's just you and you need to try something different than you have , the killer role is significantly better than it ever has been , I've played a long time too more killer than survivor you can't sit here and pretend like it's worse now than back then with the old brand new part, go ahead and post a non hacking…
  • Well no it would still be just as strong I just misunderstood what they meant at first I should've paid more attention but sometimes it happens to the best of us
  • Those survivors must not know how to read then because it's blatantly obvious
  • Not really if you look at the responses above that I'm talking about making basic answers in chat because of the controller with a type option added , someone called me out thinking I didn't know they could use keyboard but it's just really uncommon on console.
  • Yea I know but there aren't many console players who use them most just use the controller
  • Idk I don't really notice that, I feel like tunneling is pretty random in my survivor matches, there's no specific killer that is doing it more than any other it's just an occasional thing that pops up, example: I'll have a p100 nurse one game that is cracked hitting unbelievable hits and doesn't tunnel anyone then get…
  • Lol yea, they want it but they don't realize the insanity that comes with it. I understand they don't want to feel left out though even though they're not missing anything of value really besides the entertainment value of watching 2 entitled people arguing with eachother occasionally
  • It's because most console players use a controller it takes a long time to type anything of value on the chat and by then they're most likely gone. I do believe you should be able to have the option though and maybe a quick menu for basic responses
  • Yea if you read further down I already found out what they meant and changed it
  • Ohhh lmao nevermind my bad I thought they meant teleport them straight to a hook without the killer knowing I'm like well all the other effects to that are a gigantic negative
  • Never mind I thought it OP was talking about teleporting straight to a hook not the hooked survivor teleporting when the killer is nearby
  • Let me guess hillbilly on midwich? Lol I've faced him like a million times the last couple weeks, only one time I survived because the hook he was teleporting the survivor to had another survivor running beside it and it glitched the killer inside a hook and he got stuck
  • I thought he meant the teleport to a hook not teleporting a hooked survivor is why I said that
  • See you think this is a killer nerf but it would be a buff in reality, you'll eliminate flashlight, firecracker, flashbang and pallet saves by implementing this, also Sabo would be gone, breakout and breakdown would be useless, killer would save time because carrying and hooking would be gone, and the only thing you can…
  • "It doesn't hurt me if it goes off anyway" That's the main problem, people are spending all that time in the basement and even if it goes off it doesn't hurt you and you're sitting here saying openly you would be willing to allow them to do it which shouldn't be a thing