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  • He has a GUN a super underpowered GUN. Also cracks are not real advantage. He shoots you over the crack and at best has to break chain to get super long stun and a survivor injured and in a need of mend. At that point you could just get Legion and go on a frenzy stabing others. ,,Buff begging" cmon really? This guy doesnt…
  • People you need to face the facts. Clown's Pinky Finger awards you for aiming your bottles and this bell thing rewards you for nothing. There needs to be a punishment.
  • no, it rewards you for nothing and its pointless and its bad for the game health. If they want to play like that they should make every killer pink add-on op. Where is my pinky finger on clown? It was nerfed becouse it rewarded you for hitting bottles. I think if you should nerf him you should nerf every other add-on. If…
  • Look, i was once just like you but then i realised. Is 45 seconds really meaningless? I mean, survivor bleedout timer is 4 minutes which means even tho he will get up, he lost nearly 1/4th of his bleedout timer. This basically means you can have 4 hook stages but without hooking them. But i still think NOBODY should get…
  • Keep in mind its just one survivor down. Other 2 (becouse usually at least one is chased) can do gens without even considering going to get him. Also keep in mind that 1 second for killer is 4 seconds for survivor so you need to divide 45 by 4 which is ~11 seconds loss for survivors. I think they could buff it to 1 minute…
  • honestly i'd rather get the timing right and move than get 3 protection hits to get it.
  • Bruh wth? You say the game encourages off meta builds? Hell nah they add op perks that fit into the meta and usually 2 filler perks that are there to be. Example: Clown with really good meta perk and 2 fillers that usually nobody remembers about {Coulrophobia and Bamboozle} David King with one overpowered perk, one that is…
    in Meta nerf Comment by Tony_ May 2022
  • i know i may sound like survivor main, but for real im a Clown main and i think both sides have some broken perks that should work diffrently. Yes NOED IS the current meta, but why break the game for survivors? It works something like that: Survivor is rude to killer ---> Killer camps, tunnels and tries his best to win…
    in Meta nerf Comment by Tony_ May 2022
  • It doesnt need a nerf, same with dead hard. I think they should just work a little diffrent and reward you for doing something not just fix your mistakes like that. Adrenaline is fair, it rewards you for surviving.
    in Meta nerf Comment by Tony_ May 2022
  • Damn bro, couldn't agree more. I hope to see more fun perks used and not just repetetive dead hard, unbrakeable, borrowed time and decisive strike.
    in Meta nerf Comment by Tony_ May 2022
  • It doesn't work like that. It punishes survivors for ignoring totem, but also rewards killer for literally nothing. Losing match is no real reason to just get free exposed on everyone.
    in Meta nerf Comment by Tony_ May 2022
  • Oh yeah im dumb, didnt really think of that :/
    in Meta nerf Comment by Tony_ May 2022