It's clear, that there's no clue at all. The game, and how it works and even for movies lol. I can't help but feel a trollish presence here. Good luck in your future games. xD
Woah, woah, woah. I didn't say at all, that I was fine with campers and tunnelers. I said you're playing against jerky players. Of course it's not fun if you get camped or tunneled, honestly the only players that deserve such treatment are toxic players imho. As I said before, it's not the killer, but the player that…
I laughed so hard at this, and the scary thing about this post... is that it's so true. LOL! Can we be friends? xD!
Freddy isn't OP. Once more, every game is situational. Your team and their player skill-level. The killer's skill-level. All players knowledge with the game, perks and maps etc. Everything needs to be taken into consideration. Not to mention, he can't use fake-pallets or dream-snares at the same time, you can only use one.…
Yes, that's exactly what i'm getting at. Losing points, because you've been denied them due to high-levels of salt. I'm fine if survivors escape during a game, because i'm all about the fun. But I need those points to progress my characters, both Killer and Survivor in the game. Otherwise, why bother putting up with the…
Yes, it's been indeed said a million times, but I hope they do something more regarding this. Serious issue right now.
Yes, I completely agree. The new killer is incredibly fun to play, and has an interesting look! Good stuff!
David King is least popular? What the... I call BS. I see nothing but David Kings in lobbies.
Then takes a random swing while blinded, hoping he will..
Trapper is a good choice, but damn, Hag gets no love. I think she's a great killer!