Still this bs are running event for event time, gameplay is pure trash, unplayable most of the times, random dc, you just in chase then suddenlly stop in middle of it and can't move, and million otehr issues... why do this to the game after 3 years, wasn't enough borked already??
The ignorance from this developers is more toxic than the community itself !
Today is TUESDAY, why are this "dedicated" servers still here? It's the most horrible experience since dbd launched! I had a constant 20+ peoples playing the game, since this servers are active only 5-7 playing it anymore! It's more than obvious that it's a bad experience, so until figure it out what is going on just let…
Survivors need to see killer player profile as well in the lobby, so many times it happened to be targeted just because i am from another country, because i use prestige clothes, because i am a different nation and getting camped & tuneled to death (no, i'm not from Russia or turkey), but yeah since dedicated servers are…