Side can always CHOOSE to not run, thus not activating Sprint Burst. So that last point is invalid.
Balanced Landing is literally just a crappier Sprint Burst now. It's crappier because it only activates after falling. Sprint Burst activates on any run, which you are likely doing after that fall anyway. #MakeBalancedLandingGreatAgain
@CaptainCastle It's not "console dbd", my dude. PS4 and Xbox both have access to everything. I just wish they would give us a legitimate reason instead of "it's coming" or "there's been issues". Like has there been an actual reason for Leatherface and Freddy to not be out besides "we don't have a schedule for releasing…
@Peanits Update as in Withered Blight? Archives? Not having to camp the Shrine for BBQ&C? :-P Thanks for the quick reply! <3
My personal Wishlist (in no particular order): 1) Jason Voorhees (The Slasher is perfect) 2) Slenderman (The Slender) 3) Pinhead (The Cenobite) 4) Pyramidhead (The Juggernaut) 5) Carrie (The Rage) 6) Wolfman (The Feral)
With the release of DBD on the Switch, I sincerely hope that they will integrate cross-platform play. A buddy of mine has the game on PC and has put quite a bit of work in to it. I have put quite a bit of work into the Switch version. PLEASE INTEGRATE CROSS-PLATFORM CAPABILITIES!!! ^_^