@SoylentPixie Well first of that was a click bait to get you reading. But in the end the message was that you should think of somthing before you write it , and i dont know why you feel hit about this post say that survivors are toxic is like saying every one is toxic cuz thats the majority of the game, even i my self play…
@Dead_by_David Yes your right. you cant patch peoples attitudes. i just hope that players that do get reported for these kinda stuff actualy gets some sort of penelty or ban. Also a way to inactive the chat or disable it afterwards the game cuz 90% of the cases its just throwing ugly words both ways from both the killer…
Ofc theyr not nor did i pretend they were. why are you mad? all i said was stop being toxic and that includes killers to and spread some love yet here you are spreading hate.... or atleast asume somthing that wasnt true.
@xmenfanatic said: This i agree to or the hatch closes after a set amount of time.
ye i mean that seems to be the only thing to do, but i generaly think the one who found the hatch first deserves to be the winner i this situation but as of right now if the survivor has full hp hes the winner no matter what. A closing mechanic would be great to have. And thanks for an honest and a respectful answer.