Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • This entire thing reads as I want a 4k. Killers don't deserve 4ks just like survivors don't so deserve to escape. Who cares that they dced, you played poorly most of the match and that's that.
  • If you're having 2-3 gens pop before you even find a survivor, that might be a personal issue. Anytime I play killer, I still average about 2.5 miles per match as I tend to get 2k and 3k games. 4k should NEVER be the norm, the devs have said balance is 2 escape and 2 are sacrificed. There are two things the ruin rework…
  • Nurse has been a controversial killer since her inception, most people forget that her base kit used to be three blinks, she's been one of the killers with the most changes. Her add-ons were always something that I think caused issues but I didn't think her base kit was to strong, I do play both sides btw. I think the…
  • Honestly, I've played plenty of Huntress and have watched plenty of videos, you get hits that you SHOULDN'T get. There are no if ands or buts. I've thrown a few hatchets as Huntress and hit people that were around a corner that I, realistically speaking, shouldn't have been able to hit. This doesn't even go into the…
  • I've had this happen plenty of times, even being hit by a hatchet when I can't even see it. Dedicated servers have made Huntress a mess and with Deathslinger around the door, I'm curious on what's gonna happen. Also the devs said the game engine was never intended for range attacks and if I remember correctly, don't quote…
  • I've been here since before there was any dlc and have seen so many changes. Most I've been glad for i.e. Doctor and Freddy rework and not dropping survivors mid pick-up. While other things that have changed have just bothered me i.e. Legion "rework", deep wounds becoming a literal joke, survivor healing changes (I know it…
  • I love playing against every killer except for two, Spirit and Huntress. Spirit has just never been fun to play as or against for me, I think part of it has to do with how old spirit used to be without a vault animation and old prayer beads. Huntress is one thing, hatchet hitboxes. They're just a bit to larger imo. Now if…
  • Most survivors that run dead hard will be looking back at you waiting for the swing. Just get closer and you can hit them with a well timed lunge because dedicated servers made dead hard unreliable unless it's for distance. You'll figure out how hard you can punish dead hard with enough time and PATIENCE. I swear people…
  • Glad you didn't actually read and just labeled me as survivor main. I play both sides all the time and have since launch. Both sides have perks the other side doesn't like playing against, that's just the nature of perks. You nerf DS, BT, DH and adrenaline into the ground then noed, rancor, bbq, and pop will get nerfs. All…
  • At this point, I've given up on anything you will ever have to say. You sound like a killer that tunnels each person off a hook even when you know BT is in play and get DS each time because of it. Is it annoying to not even mean to tunnel a surv and eat a DS, yeah, but the perk used to be way stronger. Most killers with a…
  • I honestly get upset playing against doctor right now, and it's not because of the rework. I started running calm spirit once killers started running infectious and still run it to this day, but every doctor decides it's tunnel time once they find out. Even with DS and everything else, I either remove it and suffer the…