And ty guys/girls who have read this and are trying to help me under stand what to do and better builds, instead of just being like I’m bad or learn how it play. I really appreciate. All of the help and letting me rant at first
For sure ever killer got different counters for them, and yeah I’m shocked that now days people aren’t on gens as much like either all gens get done quick or 15 mins go by with one gen done, and some matches are like that but seems to be no in between. maybe I haven’t gotten high enough in rank to see that stuff get batter…
Fair enough now I get what your saying, and ik this is just some of the matches but my teammates were all just crowding myers and then last three gens were all where the killer was getting looped and I tried to pull him away so gens could get done, but we had a bit and no one was doing gens. Some game are just like that…
What do you mean I’m curious?
For resilience I didn’t know that was in the game just found it I have it maxed so I’m going to try it out,
Cause it never pops
And adrenaline I think is a waste of a perk slot cause more then half the game never get all then gens done so i find it to be just a wasted perk slot
And see like sprint burst I think is super over rated cause then you have to walk like the whole game, unless you being chased, I like using lithe instead cause then I can get to gens faster to do them,
That’s what I meant the add on not the killer, and I’m going to have to unlock some of them.
Or a slight buff to the original non dlc perks so free to play players have a slightly better chance to have better games,
It’s sad that such a great game has taken a huge fall into the madness of catering to the people who complain about the survivors are to op when all we get are a few lousy perks for free to play. I would almost say that the devs are worse the COD devs. Like what happened to gaming in general? When did it become oh…
I agree for sure like maybe add an in game voice chat available for those who want to to at lest give solo players a chance to communicate to each other. And maps don’t feel the same just today I have been on the resident evil map 10 time of my 15 games so far. And for build wise I’ve looked at guides but it requires to…
I would love to hear what people think, I have always loved this game! Playing survivor was where I had the most fun. But now it doesn’t feel even fair anymore, playing solo que was how I always played so I get not every game is going to be good, but playing 12 hours straight i might only get out like 3-5 times, and i…
But then I’ll go play killer and win every time I don’t even have to give more then 10% of focus to kill all the survivors in less then 5 mins,
Bruh na it’s sad to see an amazing game die due to people being bad at killer, so they had to cater to the weak
And on top of that meta build were never my gig I use lightweight, balance landing, self heal, and spine chill, only build I have ever used