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  • MrCool75. I like this very much
  • I feel this. 
  • Yeah but it's rare that I find a Dr. that doesn't run this build. But yeah you're right about trying to play him and I gotta be honest, it's like hitting the ez button when I play Dr. I always know where everyone is at all times and I control the map hard when I play a him. But that new perk for survivor you mentioned may…
  • Not everyone plays in that way. And how are you supposed to loop the Dr. In that way on the the game map? He can negate your ability to drop a pallet or vault through a window. He is very op in this way. Most people I've actually talked to find that he is annoying as a killer and for in most ways a lazy player. Although I…
  • Idk, I'm sticking with victory crouches. Yup. I like the sound of it. ~"Victory crouches"~
    in T-bag Comment by Vulipus13 June 2018
  • Thank you for actually taking this seriously. So many people are not understanding what I'm getting at.
  • Sure, let's hand them the kills now. I struggle as is to survive with my friends and killers already control so much of the game. This game is already just becoming a killer simulator. I love this game so please stop buffing the killers into Oblivion.
  • You're missing the point of the thread. This is not about skill checks. This is about not being able to go anywhere without screaming away your position at any given time.
  • There are no infinites on this map. As well then you have yet to encounter a good Dr. As you get to higher rank the killer knows how to use this build to ruin the game.
  • Also allow me to clarify its not about the skill checks. It's about the consistency of tier 3 madness that's the issue and always having your position being ratted out with little to nothing you can do but except that someone will have to run the killer the entire match in order for anyone to do anything. This is different…
  • This simply is not true. It matters not how good you are at this point. I'm rank 1 with an entire community of rank 1 survivors who agree that this is toxic and broken. My only concern on this subject is if anything will actually be done about it. However knowing the devs and how much they love the Dr. even after giving…
  • That's cool xD
    in T-bag Comment by Vulipus13 June 2018
  • To the most cancer game 2018 let's go 😂😵😭
  • in T-bag Comment by Vulipus13 June 2018
  • This is not so when they hard DC. Quitting in game you may get 5000 for escape plus whatever you earned, however when they force close app or unplug their system it does the survivor no Justice.
  • Already main Myers and I never let him get me. At the gate. 
    in T-bag Comment by Vulipus13 June 2018
  • Well 1. You don't do it anywhere else than at the very edge where you can leave on swing. 2. That's terrible that you'd leave your mates. I don't t-bag unless everyone is out and I'm 100% sure everyone else is getting out. 
    in T-bag Comment by Vulipus13 June 2018