Try having it randomly jump up to 600 for no reason. It's only dbd this happens in as well.
Same here, can't play at all. After my second match it kept saying that I couldn't connect to host when I tried to join a lobby, restarted the game and now I can't even get to the menu.
Doesn't feel like it while playing killer, feels like it takes just as long if not slightly less than what survivors have to do. There is a little trick I found with the survivors though, 99 the closed void portals. Then when you're getting chased just hold the button for less than a half second and you're instantly…
Yeah he's on par with them when he's actually standing and not floating A FOOT OFF THE GROUND. Also have you not SEEN the true form cosmetic? That damn thing is utterly MASSIVE.
Vampire form is very tall, probably as tall or taller than nemesis because he decides to float around, making him easy to see over a TON of loops. Hellfire is a pain to hit given that you can't flick it like other killers that send out a damaging wave, leaving your only real use for it being when survivors are stuck in…
It's a completely unbalanced mess overall, but having a hole in the wall is more balanced than 2 2nd floor windows being not even 10ft away from each other.
Did you not read the patch notes? They said it's because the poor survivors couldn't tell if the unknown was faking or not, causing them to lose distance by dodging an attack that potentially isn't gonna happen. This nerf has nothing to do with proxy camping. Also most Unknown players I see don't use the hallucinations to…
I highly doubt it's THAT complicated. "Vast UI update" The framework is literally already there, plug in a controller on pc and oh gee willokers batman, the controls change to that of a controller. "Way too much work" Again, it's already there, copy paste, then fix what needs fixing. "Too much time" Like I said previously,…
I've always said that if a survivor doesn't do at least 10% of a gen, open a chest, break a totem, unhook/ heal a survivor, or get chased by the killer within 5-10 minutes, they have crows start forming until one of said actions is completed, which then resets the timer. Nothing changes for anyone that's actively…
You guys are encountering people of your level? Wonder what that's like. Be a nice change of pace from being stomped by people with 10k more hours than you every match.
If you're running, then you're not hiding, that's the point of the scratch marks. Want to hide and be stealthy all game, doing next to nothing for your team? Distortion, Lightweight, Calm Spirit. Have fun hiding in your corner.