So, once a 1x or more survivors get a Claw Trap, Merchant recalls her drones. Then the survs never get their Claw Traps off??
This power you've written is quite powerful. I assume you have 6x drones. But even if its less, you have multiple AI Doctors floating around Incapacitating. Incapacitation is kinda their thing (so you're stepping on doctor's toes), but also its really powerful. The idea of multi incapacitation anytime a drone procs is…
This isn't her new direction, they're clipping her wings until her larger reworkin of her power. Don't get attached, its meant to discourage you from playing her until later.
So for Merchant, they have 6x very wide traps essentially. They're wide and easy to set off. The drones downside is that they need 3x triggers on 1x surv to add a claw Trap. Then a 4th to add the Hinder. Compare that with a Trapper trap, or a Hag Trap, its likely the weakest trap. They're not subtle, they have an orange…
I love the Chaos, I love the weak builds, I love not being accused of bringing sweaty perks. I love watching the streamers still enjoying Shuffle mode. I love the weird pseudo gambling of hoping for a half-decent build. I love that this has brightened up the streaming/youtube dbd space. I've never been so excited, and…
I would say because they can. Pallets and windows can normally be reached in the 10sec of basekit borrowed time after an unhook. Once you're there against an M1, you're playing DBD normally. If you're playing a killer who can keep up, and nullify windows and pallets, its a viable and worthy option to count to 11, and when…
The above LoL System that you're referring to does not actually affect a player's matchmaking experience in LoL. It simply added a mark to the profile picture when they are getting into a game. It did work work in 2x very small ways when I used to play. #1, people behaved themselves a little more, in order to hopefully…
Referring specifically to Feb-9-2024 Killer Updates: The buffs to Projection movement speed duration, and Manifestation movement speed buff to 4ms both feel incredibly freeing and open up Onryo's chase power for mindgames and using her blinking visibility. Prior to this, losing distance on survivors while manifesting felt…