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  • Killer : I can’t think of any. Sure NOED is annoying at times and don’t care if it goes. But if I did good on objectives and in chases than I don’t care how I go out, I’m still going to pip. survivor : The only perk I hate the most are the ones that waste my time while players are gen rushing and that’s nearly all of their…
  • Think I’m going to start slugging survivors thanks to this thread. I mean I usually slug the last two or too give one recent hooked survivor a second chance even though I know he didn’t bring DS. But if slugging really helps against strong toxic SWF who knows when to body block and gen rush than I will give it a try.…
  • Isn’t there survivor perks that increases speed of opening the gates? In my opinion. Gates shouldn’t be placed so close together where the killer can simply stand there and spin around.
  • No no. NOED is preforming as intended. As it prevents survivors from escaping once the gates are powered. Putting them in dying state with m1 instead of giving them sprint burst to make it out. It helps killers to not lose time trying to down survivors around loops while two other survivors are opening the gates or 99% it.…
  • I disagree and I just started to use it so it’s not like I’ve been relying on it for all my killers as I haven’t unlocked it through bloodweb yet. As a new survivor in the past, I had learned to assume killers might have BBQ and will move to another location after a few seconds. Sometimes that works other times it doesn’t.…
  • I use Mori as a way to counter body blockers and gen rushing. Fix those two things and maybe I’ll sign up for Mori nerf.
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