Yeh, I can see that. But the main thing I notice is there seems to be one too many hooks on certain maps or versions of a map or two and seems kinda unfair to me. (Even as a killer) I mean as a killer I like it. Just seems unfair in my opinion is all.
If it's intended to keep a killer from choosing any hook they want every time, then why not just make it a timer instead of having the player waste their time? Also, its not like I'm asking for a huge buff if it were to get buffed. The most annoying part for me is when the wiggle bar is full but you still get hooked…
I agree with this because I know how annoying it can be.
I just think even if there were dead zones, the killer could still use them to their advantage. Almost like changing the meta on how to kill survivors by not relying on hooks... Maybe if there were a perk to speed up the dying state... I don't know. I'm just saying I'm just tired of having the option to wiggle when there…
I beg to differ. Even as a killer, I seem to have no real struggle with hooking survivors after catching them. I think there's maybe one hook too many on some maps, or at times they're clustered together from what I've noticed. Like even if the survivor tried wiggling, it would make no difference since the hooks are pretty…
I mean, even if a perk to increase odds of wiggle escapes were to happen, I think it'd be kinda cool. I'm just tired of wiggling for basically no reason at all.
I don't know about everyone else, but I would rather not have to twiddle my thumbs to make a killer hook me faster if there's no reward in the end for it. Might as well, just have the wiggle bar slowly fill on its own instead of having survivors fill it.
If it's not meant to get off their shoulders and it meant to prevent them from getting basement all the time, then why give us the wiggle option? Why not just put a timer so survivors don't waste their time trying to wiggle?
How exactly is it a bad thing to have hooks go away after getting a kill? And if they complain about bleeding to death, I think that's just their problem... I mean, if a killer made me salty some how, I'd rather bleed out instead of getting hooked. But that's just me if I were heated.