op? Noed also OP, killers complain and crying about it i knew lacks of skills lot of killer perks are op also ,so only killer only can win the match huh? so what the point of waste time to gain protection hits?
i hope mettle of man back like the first one release because if you are going to earn protection hits i waste lot of time affected other teammates for not being doing generators , and also ash . j williams must have Difficulty : hard cause mettle of man hard😐️
sorry for the grammar i've been waiting long time for buff mettle of man since nerf because its annoying to earn protection hits you still need injured survivor to gain a token..
why what? you think protection hits easy?
yes buddy actually if they camping so the game will be end as fast so the game you want to join and have some fun will be horrible if you meet campers so butter leave than this abuse
they said to me few minutes in discord server it's breaking rules idk