Lery's sucks indeed.As i am on mobile,this is probably the only indoor map i will ever get,but oh God is it something special.U gotta love Lery's,especially when u use Leatherface XDD The only time i actually liked that map was when i got 4 kills with my boi Bubba and it felt like i was in heaven
Yeah i sometimes have a monstrous lag as killer too(mostly when i am about to hit a survivor).(i am on mobile for now,so i shouldn't expect more tho)
Well,yeah,i would play as survivor more often if i wouldn't have that lag that stops me from repairing a gen and practically offers me on a plate to the killer XP
It really depends on the survivors.I had matches in which,when i camped,they immediately came to rescue the hooked one,not knowing i was there.Other times they just left the poor unfortunate soul for dead. U will see many Leatherfaces camping cuz he's the best at this btw.
Omg yass i feel u!Almost everytime i am on the point of hitting a survivor,auto aim decides i should either hit the nearest obstacle or another survivor in my view,which is obviously harder to hit than the one i was chasing